Is it really ethical to share superior trading systems?


You can find some responses to your concern in the following book (page 17-18)


Sharing superior trading system is a thing of myth!

There is no superior trading system because everyone trades differently, and I dont just mean retail traders. A superior system does not exist, and if it does its superiority will be short lived in a changing market. There are profitable trading methods and systems, but none that are superior. Each have their own advantages and disadvantages in varying market scenarios.

You can find some responses to your concern in the following book (page 17-18)

hi guys, here is the pages 17-18 , i added pages 19-21 also because it gives both sides of the argument about random walk theory suggesting that trends are not so random..... what a great debate right?!!

James the Giant:
Sharing superior trading system is a thing of myth! There is no superior trading system because everyone trades differently, and I dont just mean retail traders. A superior system does not exist, and if it does its superiority will be short lived in a changing market. There are profitable trading methods and systems, but none that are superior. Each have their own advantages and disadvantages in varying market scenarios.

Systems and traders will always perform different over time, so of course there are superior (and inferior) systems.

Anyway, I'm a bit afraid these days that some day someone will eventually beat it and design either an automatic or manual system that will crash the market.

hi guys, here is the pages 17-18 , i added pages 19-21 also because it gives both sides of the argument about random walk theory suggesting that trends are not so random..... what a great debate right?!!

Thanks, seems that he argues that the market would be self-correcting. Interesting hypothesis.

Even all the bubbles have been known to burst ( to many people trading an item where everybody thinks that it is going to make them rich).

and if the superior system survives the crash, once monetary policy steps in to clean up the mess, the whole concept of supply and demand in a free market will be tossed out the window through quantitative easing and the superior system would surely fail then... unless it is a super duper superior system designed and traded within the bulge bracket.... oh wait there is- customer orderflow the only true superior system!


I am sure, that there is nothing to afraid about this...

I am very doubt, that there is such strategy that can bring millions to everybody...Even if we have such strategy, people are still different and thoughts are also different, so everybody make their own choice what would be better sell or buy, and the result will be different , 1 mln or -1 mln)))))
