System WIP Help


I have been using my trading strategy for a while now and would really like to make it better \

hoping someone here could help me

i just need a way to filter my signals and maybe have a good way to know to exit my trades

in the image you can see the arrows i enter on the open of the NEXT candle the Horizontal Solid line is my exit (you can not see the sell exit as it is down lower off the screen at 1.47379)

any suggestions that you guys could offer would be greatly greatly appreciated

thank you all in advance

system_wip.jpg  54 kb

Hi MSquared,

I personally LOVE using the CFB indicator in order to tell me when to exit. I also use it to filter entries.

Check out the attached graph.

I am using the smoothed WPR with bands indicator attached with default settings on EUR H1 for basic entry signals.

To filter the signals and indicate optimal exits, I use the attached sigmoidal cfb normalized indicator with default settings, but add levels (dotted lines) at .80 and .20 I ignore any entry signals in between the two levels and I EXIT any open trade that goes above or below the levels and then FLATTENS OUT. You can see 2 examples in my pic towards the right hand side of the chart where I placed a red check mark where the exit was signalled and executed because of the flattening of the cfb above .80 you can also see a few examples of poor entries being filtered towards the left edge of the chart and one so-so long entry that wasnt great but still profitable (ignore my buy line position lines, they are not relevant). One other clarification point relative to my pic: ANY opposite signal can be an exit even if u would filter it as an entry (but that is a judgement call of course), and sometimes the CFB will seem to be hitting the levels almost exactly, which can make for judgement nothing is perfect but CFB is very powerful IMO.

Hope this helps. Just trying to give back to this community that has helped me so much.



thank you very much for the reply

i will test out the added indicators and see how they work out

i forgot to mention that my system is trading on the 5 min with confirmation on the 15 min

Hi MSquared,

I personally LOVE using the CFB indicator in order to tell me when to exit. I also use it to filter entries.

Check out the attached graph.

I am using the smoothed WPR with bands indicator attached with default settings on EUR H1 for basic entry signals.

To filter the signals and indicate optimal exits, I use the attached sigmoidal cfb normalized indicator with default settings, but add levels (dotted lines) at .80 and .20 I ignore any entry signals in between the two levels and I EXIT any open trade that goes above or below the levels and then FLATTENS OUT. You can see 2 examples in my pic towards the right hand side of the chart where I placed a red check mark where the exit was signalled and executed because of the flattening of the cfb above .80 you can also see a few examples of poor entries being filtered towards the left edge of the chart and one so-so long entry that wasnt great but still profitable (ignore my buy line position lines, they are not relevant). One other clarification point relative to my pic: ANY opposite signal can be an exit even if u would filter it as an entry (but that is a judgement call of course), and sometimes the CFB will seem to be hitting the levels almost exactly, which can make for judgement nothing is perfect but CFB is very powerful IMO.

Hope this helps. Just trying to give back to this community that has helped me so much.


thanks for the indicators i have had no luck trying to find good settings for the 5 min timeframe\

if it helps the arrows on the chart are generated by 2ma and adx-s

using rsi as confirmation on the 5 and 15 min

however i would like to find something to weed out the false signals or at least limit the ammount of losses

i am only using this systemf rom 6am to 11am with results that are ok

however please keep in mind that this statement is not how i would ever really trade (i would never use a lot size that large)