Trading to win...


20 years ago...I moved to US from the time I did not speak English...there was a FREE class in a local Jewish center...I started attending that class...the way it older Jewish men and women would speak to us for about an that we would pick up some skills...My teacher was a very old guy...I felt he was very rich ...since we had nothing in common we chose to speak about economy....I would ask him about a company and he would tell me everything about it...his knowledge was overwhelming...after a number of weeks I asked him if he traded...he said yes...I asked him if he was good at it...he said yes...then I asked him if he had a magik formula...he said yes...I asked him what that formula is...he said..."you cannot win markets by have to rely on signs"...I asked him...what signs?....and he told me..."when I was young I was taking train from Jersey to New York every morning to get to morning I noticed workers arguing with clock master...they told him the clock on the wall of the station is either slow or fast everyday and today it was full half hour slower than it should...the clock master told them that he checked the clock and it was fine...that was the day when Stock Market crashed right before the Great Depression... since then I noticed that if clock would be too fast in the morning the market would go up that day...and if clock would be slow...the market would move down...I rented apartment so that I could see with binoculars that clock every morning...quit my job and in a few years made a lot of money married and had kids...enlisted in the army and spent 3 years in Europe...when I came back the train station was renovated and there was no the early 80's...I had a mother asked me if I want to buy apples and I bought Apple and Honeywell stocks...In September of 1987 I had a dream of my mother telling me that I shouldn't follow tradition every time...I when I was a kid my Mom would put honey on apple for me during holiday and sold shares of Apple and Honeywell...lost a little on Honeywell but made 1400% on Apple"...

I asked him if he trades now...he got a little confused and said "Yes"...I asked him what are his signs now that he follows...he said "YOU"...I did not understand what he meant...I asked him..."say what?!"...he said it's are my sign...every week you ask me about particular company...I buy stocks of that company and in a week I make around 4% on those stocks.


What's post about?

Copy and paste content from first chapter's book is not related with forum. Or is it?

Do you want to start some library business?



What's post about?

Copy and paste content from first chapter's book is not related with forum. Or is it?

Do you want to start some library business?

that was no copy & paste...a true story...any approach to trading is valid...clearly related....



it is General Discussion "For any general threads"...isn't it?



Anyways...not a single member of this forum bothered to find out if there is a correlation between # of new posts in the morning and how that number relates to the market of the following day...From my observations this forum acts as a neural network...and I use it daily to predict market moves...



He's trying to become the next J.R. Tolkien catering for the special Olympics.

Hence the bad English.

What's post about?

Copy and paste content from first chapter's book is not related with forum. Or is it?

Do you want to start some library business?



He's trying to become the next J.R. Tolkien catering for the special Olympics.

Hence the bad English.


Pava ,for several years, tried harder,to find a magic guru,to no avail(he is a sissy )....But,he won a consolation medal and a special prize(banana chocolate brownie)to be given to him every year...from now to 2019 ...they will probably renew it (the banana chocolate...)soon for 15 or 20 years more,since his mental ward nurses voted for him to receive it,and he seemed to agree with his lost smile(the banana was big,after all)...;)..and he is angry,he woud like to have the big BRONZE have to understand him...

The story he explained is interesting,we can ask him to develop it further,I am sure his fantasy will allow him to do a fashionable way...




Genius IQ

Anyways...not a single member of this forum bothered to find out if there is a correlation between # of new posts in the morning and how that number relates to the market of the following day...From my observations this forum acts as a neural network...and I use it daily to predict market moves...

You are a genius...your observations are unbelievably precise,nd your predictions are on target ...Where are your predictions?



On target

You are a genius...your observations are unbelievably precise,nd your predictions are on target ...Where are your predictions? S





so the 2 piglets are here...need a third piglet...who he's gonna be?


C'mon. Quotation from Elder's book.