MIDAS indicator - page 5



I have never used Adobe to make pdf. but I have the full software with Corel and FormMaker. None of which I have used, Its old v5.xx I beleive. May be some day I willl unwrape it and read how to use it. I bought it from a computer store in Florida that was going out of business for 50 cents brand new in a box. I have a bunch of other software I got at the same time and still in the boxes, mostly web programing stuff. But I did get professional Office 2000 full verison for 50 cents too, That I use a lot. I spend $5.00USD that day and got 1,000s.

Have fun, I head back to the city today, people wait for me for two days now in Lexington.




There is a correction page to the article in the August 2009 issue You will need to change some of the graphics will upload the page on monday.

also there is a new article on the Midas indicator in this months S&C magazine (September 2009) entitled "Midas and intraday charts" applying LeVine's Topfinder / Bottomfinder, by Andrew Coles and David Hawkins. willl get that to you on monday also on the move right now looking of another tree to hide behine.

By the way theres a new book on the shelf at your local book store under investments. Its entitled "The Cowbow and Wall Street" Sub-title 'What wall street can learn for the cowboy of the old west.' Has a lot of pitchers, some look like my relations.



Hey Keit

thanks for articles. That new article would be great. Also if you have George Reyna VWAP article then I think we would be complete about this subject's articles on S&C.


Hey Keit

thanks for articles. That new article would be great. Also if you have George Reyna VWAP article then I think we would be complete about this subject's articles on S&C.


I do not have that issue on Reyna's VWAP. Date May, 2001, sorry. You will need to go to www.traders.com/store to get that article.

There are serverial other articles in the past few years on the VWAP indicator, don't know if its in line with Reyna's views.

I plan to upload the new article and the revised graphics tomorrow.




This is the current August 2009 article, in Jpg format. If you convert it to a pdf file it would be nice.

There are 4 more articles on this indicator in S&C magazine;

July 2009, Market touch and Midas.

Sept 2008, The Midas Touch, part 1.

Oct 2008, The Midas Touch, part 2.

May 1998, This was a review of the "WinMidas v2.1 software".

I have all but the May 1998 issue. If you want the others let me know.

There was a book by Paul LeVine in 1995, Titled "Introducing The Midas Method of Technical Analysis", Publisher; Investment Research.

What a difference a different location makes. Verizon has a bad tower and they said that it was me...

By the way I am deep down in a valley (in the forestt) that I see the sun come up over one montain top at 11:00am and it starts to settle down the other side of the mountains at 3:00pm what a short day! I had to cross two 'Low Water Fords' to get here. Now Who knows what that is without google?

And yes I not only carry my trading desk out into the forest, I have my complete library with me too, books and magazines. All my computers, printers, scanners, even a 36 flat panel. All mobile and run off a large UPS that gets recharged with solar panels during the day, and 2 back up generaters otherwise. Trade while listening to Andrea Bocelli in the back ground.



Bears, let me tell you about bears. One day in the Washington Forest located in WV. I had just finished brekfast kind of burnt some toasts (well what do your expect from someone that uses a smoke detecter as a cooking timer). Well after breakfast I was on the computer, my back to the door. I hear something that sounded like a dog (a big dog) sniffing out side. I was tring to finish the line of code I was writing before going to the door. Then every thing started rocking and there at the door was a very large bear trying to get in, for burnt toast I quess. Good thing the door was too small for him to get in. The worst part was he was between me and my gun. Now I keep my gun on my trading desk. Good thing I dont have a temper, or I may have shot out my computer a few times.

Question? How meny bullets does it take from a small hand gun to take down a bear? 3, one in each eye and one up the nose. You dont have to kill him, if he cant see you or smell you he cant find you.

I have 3 networks, the verizon broadband is the fastest. then theres whats called NationalAccess which is a little slower and the other is NationalAccess Extended network which is the slowest, but still a lot faster then dial up. the other day I was on Verison Broadband with all the bars lite and I could not upload. Yesterday and today I am on NationalAccess Extended Network with no bars just the antener. I can upload with no problems. I trouthfully didnot think when I was comming down here that I would have anything as I am down in a deep valley.


To business, here are 3 zip files the first one is the article and the other two are the code that goes with the article. This is the September, 2008 article entitled The Midas touch part One. Part Two will follow.


This is the October 2008 article. Entitled The Midas touch part 2.


This is the last one I have, The July 2009 article entitled 'Market Trend and Midas'.

by the way bulls are a lot easier to deal with then bears not only in the market but in the forest too. Hay they cant climb up trees after you.

have fun, time for my nap...




Hi Akift,

Attached is a picture of what happens to the RED-line (your Brick coloured). Is there an explanation for this behaviour or have I done something wrong inadvertently?

Best wishes.


Follow-up with arrows pointing to the "offending" red-line.


Final follow-up

Here is the last of 3 screen-prints with the indicator clearly signifying that something is wrong or missing. Your advise will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
