MIDAS indicator - page 4

Yampip you can put same indicator several times on one chart. Try adding another MIDAS indicator starting from a different time.

I am attaching an example below.

I have started 3 MIDAS indicators.

First one is from 2009.7.13 8:45

Second one is from 2009.7.14 16:45

Thir one is from 2009.7.15 00:45

I also activated topfinder on third one as it was ascending deeply. I will attach the zoom-in of the third one and also the parameter window.

In topfinder You try to manually put the topfinder line "kissing" the graph. You give the latest bars more importance. But not %100 So the value that I find for this specific example is 220 bars of volume. It doesnt mean every time it will be like this. You have to manually fine tune and find it. When the topfinder line stops it is the "summit" of that rally.( in theory of course:))


Hi Akif,

Thank you for yr chart examples.will test it and see how it goes.





Can Midas indicator be made to work with say 5/15/30 minute charts?

Can Midas indicator be made to work with say 5/15/30 minute charts?

Yes.There is no time frame limit.



Hello Akift

The Midas Topfinder is very interesting. I do not have Metatrader. I have Tradestation.

Could you post the text code for finding the Top finder

Thank you



There is a new artical in S&C Magazine this month (August issue) on Levine's Midas Indicator. Entitled 'Applying Midas to daily and weekly charts', by Andrew Coles and David Hawkins. Can not tell you any more as I have not read the artical, yet.


Hello Akift

The Midas Topfinder is very interesting. I do not have Metatrader. I have Tradestation.

Could you post the text code for finding the Top finder

Thank you


Hi Naren

you can download the .mq4 file. They are text files actually. You can review the code there. But if you want to implement it in another platform maybe you should check the documents topfinder section.

There is a new artical in S&C Magazine this month (August issue) on Levine's Midas Indicator. Entitled 'Applying Midas to daily and weekly charts', by Andrew Coles and David Hawkins. Can not tell you any more as I have not read the artical, yet. Keit

Keit if you can scan those articles that would be great:)




I as posted earier my connection is poor at the moment will try to post the articles later in the week when I get to Lexington. If some one else can post them in the mean time it would be nice. I beleive there are 3 or my be 4 articles that were writen in S&C about Levine's Indicator.


Keit if you can scan those articles that would be great:) Akif,

What are you doing in the forest Keit(working for National Geographic) ? When they say you need a quiet environment to trade they didnt mean that

Looks like you are a serious trader. And probably I will become like you because my job sends me outside a lot too[and worse is sometimes overseas])

But I bought a small a netbook and a 3g-modem[7 Mbps much more than enough]. It looks like thats all I need. All of my books and documents are in pdf(but I still prefer to read from paper:) so printing when available)

Thank you very much for the effort I am attaching the pdf you can delete the zip. I would like to have the others too if it is not a big problem for you. I dont need the 1998 article I already have WinMidas(dont need a review).

Sunshine at 11am (london session start for me)

sundown at 3pm(maybe that means get out anymore:P)

Take care Keit. Beware the bears!




hey Keit,

Thanks a lot for the scanning and uploading pain. I am attaching the pdfs as usual if you want you can delete the zips. Are you alone in that valley?


october_2008.pdf  486 kb
september_2008.pdf  2014 kb
july-2009.pdf  768 kb