Eurusd/gbpusd - page 404


Just to make sure that all our members undestand your Alert correctly...

Currency: EUR/USD

Entry Price:1.3926

Exit Price: 1.4028

Currenttly the price is around 1.3938, waiting to hit 1.3926 and go long, right?

Entry between 3926-3930.

Exit 1.4028

SL: 10 pips.

Please use a 10 pip SL in case the price falls beyond my alert. Being wrong isn't a problem as long as you protect your capital.


I'm not trading the GU but my alert is:

Long: 6118

Exit: 6249

SL: 20 pips



I'm not trading the GU but my alert is:

Long: 6118

Exit: 6249

SL: 20 pips

If it gets to 6249 then you can go short:

10 pip SL.

Exit @ 6196

Entry between 3926-3930.

Exit 1.4028

SL: 10 pips.

Please use a 10 pip SL in case the price falls beyond my alert. Being wrong isn't a problem as long as you protect your capital.

If the EU gets to 1.4028:

Go short @ 4028

SL: 20 pips.

PT: 3900

If the EU gets to 1.4028:

Go short @ 4028

SL: 20 pips.

PT: 3900

im here back from beach week no. 6141 buy-6173 32p tp. m8!1thx

im here back from beach week no. 6141 buy-6173 32p tp. m8!1thx

Nice M8!!!!!!!

Nice M8!!!!!!!

m8! 1) my model show me eu 4035-4060 2) show 4018 . gu 1) 6243-6271 2)6262-6249 new!!!

I'm not trading the GU but my alert is:

Long: 6118

Exit: 6249

SL: 20 pips

If you followed this trade then you should lock in 10 pips by moving the SL to 6128.

m8! 1) my model show me eu 4035-4060 2) show 4018 . gu 1) 6243-6271 2)6262-6249 new!!!

Good luck with that.