2nd hand EAs utilities


Lots of 2nd hand EAs, out dated, not working a long while. Don't want to code new one or can't code. Just reconfigure the old ones. Here is an example. UniversialMACorss, picked from the forum. Couple hours work. Here is the results.

1. fist chart is before configuration.

2. second chart is after configuration.

3. from the test report you can have the parameters, this's very important.

4. this is the firedave's code, it's public, I also included it.

Lots of 2nd hand EAs, out dated, not working a long while. Don't want to code new one or can't code. Just reconfigure the old ones. Here is an example. UniversialMACorss, picked from the forum. Couple hours work. Here is the results.

1. fist chart is before configuration.

2. second chart is after configuration.

3. from the test report you can have the parameters, this's very important.

4. this is the firedave's code, it's public, I also included it.

This is just a preliminary observation... but I believe what you have done here is called "curve-fitting."


What do u think about those. It,s 90% mod. 1. is GBPJPY from jan.2007, sec. is GBPUSD is from jan.2007 as well. But to make much more profitab. i can't break some part of code (posibylity for more than one trade be open). Base code i have from Igorad, but i change enter logic and part of exit. The EA is from Elite sec., and i don't have contact to Igorad, so i can't ask him to do it. Hope, ones i finde him.

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This is just a preliminary observation... but I believe what you have done here is called "curve-fitting."

I have to repeat, the inputs, I didn't change anything about the original source code of the EA except the input parameters.