Long Term Primajaya System - page 3


hate to spoil the party ,but what about the 3(at least) false signals in your screenshot that you posted,how did you filter them out? how long have you used this system?

Tq a lot Primajaya...u help me a lot...

May god bless you...

Since im trade using marketiva there's a few term i need to learn frm you...

Back to ur tips:

Simple Rule:

Buy when the Blue MA above the Red MA, and all indicator colors Blue...

Sell when the Blue MA below the Red Ma, and all indicator colors Red..


Do you mean buy is 'expecting price to move up'...because if yes then in marketiva the term is long...i hope its true

Do you mean sell 'expecting price to drop'...because if yes then in marketiva

the term is short..i hope its true...

If it is true then thanks a lot u hv help me!


The best time to buy is when the Primajaya overSTOCH color blue and the other indicator blue or stell blue..

The best time to sell is when the Primajaya overSTOCH color red and the other indicator red or orange..


So i just focus on Primajaya overSTOCH indicator right?

Just remember.. make sure the Blue MA above the Red to buy and, Blue MA below the Red to sell...


This is make me confuse...what mean by BLUE MA... MA means what?

Is it Blue MA refer to Primajaya overSTOCH indicator ???

Thats all for so far...thank you..

The Blue MA -- Blue Line MOVING AVERAGE...

The Red MA -- Red Line MOVING AVERAGE as you see on the chart..


hate to spoil the party ,but what about the 3(at least) false signals in your screenshot that you posted,how did you filter them out? how long have you used this system?

Can you show me the false signals...

As I said before... if all the indicator's confirm.. make sure the MA have crossed completely..

Thank's thePipHunter.....


I still improve this system, and this is the tool to guide you make decision in intraday trading...

Hope You like it and give me your comment and advise..


hi primajaya,heres what i was talking about,on the first buy signal all indicators confirm then it quickly reverses,on the 2nd buy signal once evrything confirms market just goes in to a range then falls,on th 3rd sell signal by the time all indicators are confirm each other price is so high that its almost equal to your buy signal you have shown on pict.

example.jpg  183 kb
I still improve this system, and this is the tool to guide you make decision in intraday trading... Hope You like it and give me your comment and advise..

Tq for the update Primajaya....

What if i only refer tp Primajaya OverSTOCH...because u did say that is the best time to buy or sell....

What if i just ignore the BLUE MA and RED MA....i mean i just focus on Primajaya OverSTOCH...

What is your opinion...?

And ur new attachment is for what...is it i hv to copy it into folder and deleted the old Primajaya?



Aint bad at all , 1 why you post recommendation sell ? 2 how to up date the data 3 what are the nombre meant for thr spreat sheet ? I think you neet to put the header for those nombre`... Cheers

Tq for the update Primajaya....

What if i only refer tp Primajaya OverSTOCH...because u did say that is the best time to buy or sell....

What if i just ignore the BLUE MA and RED MA....i mean i just focus on Primajaya OverSTOCH...

What is your opinion...?

And ur new attachment is for what...is it i hv to copy it into folder and deleted the old Primajaya?


The Primajaya OverSTOCH is for prediction and the MA is for confirmation, I don't agree if you ignore the MA...

My new attachment is an excel tools, to help you in intraday trading....


hi primajaya,heres what i was talking about,on the first buy signal all indicators confirm then it quickly reverses,on the 2nd buy signal once evrything confirms market just goes in to a range then falls,on th 3rd sell signal by the time all indicators are confirm each other price is so high that its almost equal to your buy signal you have shown on pict.

As I said on my previous post, that there is no Target for this method, so you must set it for your self and always watch for your open position so you can closed quickly if the condition reverse...

I know this system is not perfect, It still need other indicator to give you confirmation when to close your position,.......

And I have add excel tool to help in day trading....

example_1.jpg  181 kb
Aint bad at all , 1 why you post recommendation sell ? 2 how to up date the data 3 what are the nombre meant for thr spreat sheet ? I think you neet to put the header for those nombre`... Cheers


1. Recommendation sell is base on calculation of pivot points and fibo..but you still need other indicator to confirm... it just a recommendation...

2.To update the data, you can simply put the newest data in data sheet...

3. ..... you'll know ....watch carefully.....
