How to draw an ellipse shape in MT4? - page 4


Fibonacci Arcs

Maybe you can help me with formulas for radius? depending from scale?

Im looking for 2 coordinates to use OBJ_ELLIPSE for Arc. insted of OBJ_FIBOARC.

clip_7.jpg  48 kb
Metatrader has spiral:

- FX5_FiboSpiral script is on this post and this post.

- more advances is russian Golden Section indicator. It is on this thread (with english translation of comments and explanation of the settings in english) and more versuions are on this thread


I moved your post to this thread where you can find some links about it.

Hi, might anyone have an MT4 indicator that helps to draw complete fibonacci circles? I know that Metatrader has a tool for drawing fibonacci arcs, but I am looking for an indicator that would allow drawing the complete circle.

Some paid charting services do offer it, but I have not seen it done on Metatrader.

Thanks for your help.

This may be a little late but if you check the box labled "ellipse" it will draw the full circle


AGET Ellipse

Has anyone been able to code this indicator in MT4? Even something not quite similar or unfinished just to get me started?

This is greatly appreciated. Thanks


Which indicator?

Can you give me some information?

Which indicator? Can you give me some information?

eSignal File Share [Advanced GET - Ellipse examples]


It would be great to have it for MT4 but I see two problems.

One is the proprietary eSignal formula and another is the tool to draw it.


Thank you indeed.

Anyway I look for good Spiral indicator for Meta-Trader. It is funny that MT4 has no Spiral. Spiral shows price and time together and is very important. It is a shame that Meta Trader has no Spirals at all.


Metatrader has spiral:

- FX5_FiboSpiral script is on this post and this post.

- more advances is russian Golden Section indicator. It is on this thread (with english translation of comments and explanation of the settings in english) and more versuions are on this thread
