Position Trading. - page 31


E/J short ?

EUROUSD and USDJPY are doing their thing ....and EURJPY has been quiet, TOO QUIET one could say.

I've been watching it ....

and here's what i see. you may agree or not.

I see a sequence of lower highs....

I see multiple attempts at going Short that keep getting rejection from the 126.00 area....

Could this be the time when 126 will be broken for good?

if it is, it could mean many pips, since long consolidations typically result in hard and fast breakouts....

Look at the chart, and stay tuned....

I'm risking about 100 pips on this one. let's see....


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Good Job

EUROUSD and USDJPY are doing their thing ....and EURJPY has been quiet, TOO QUIET one could say.

I've been watching it ....

and here's what i see. you may agree or not.

I see a sequence of lower highs....

I see multiple attempts at going Short that keep getting rejection from the 126.00 area....

Could this be the time when 126 will be broken for good?

if it is, it could mean many pips, since long consolidations typically result in hard and fast breakouts....

Look at the chart, and stay tuned....

I'm risking about 100 pips on this one. let's see....


Don't worry about who is agree and who is not.

There are lot of self proclaim gurus. So don't worry about them.

They may say EURO will get strong etc. If 90% people are saying it will get strong then it is a big lie. Because, as you know only 5% are successful traders and other 5% out of 10% are survivals struggling. So, I should better be with those 10% rather then rest of them.

Nice trade CJ by now you may have closed half trade because of 1/1 RR strategy and already put other half for bigger rally if possible.

See my input attach pic.

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Follow ups.

Putting some follow up charts.

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follow up on my 126.00 short on E/J

hope somebody took my signal.... 'cause not even a "better" number today, NFP Day, was enough to invalidate this trend.

Trend went on and dropped hard after the numbers this morning.

I got loaded on eurjpy on the breakout....and the thing never looked back!

all the way down to the ground.... i still have a mini-lot in there, just in case it wants to give me another $500.

here's the follow up chart...

happy trading ....

great 2009 so far....


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Some more trades to consider.

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Hey guys I'm back on the forum. I just stopped receiving updates and ended up elsewhere... you know, real life and all that.

Anyway, I'm still trading. Back into Equity Options right now but still trading FX, mainly just doing AUD/USD. Got a bit more time on my hands now so i'll be hanging around no doubt.

Right now I'm look for a buy in A/U at around .6810 but sitting tight now to see what this sudden drop does, I hoping to see decent buying in the sub 685 area.

Last trade picked up 100p with that double top at 7272


hey jack!!!

glad you're back my friend....

now the 3 of us are here again....... ( SFX, ZeeJay, JackJones )

to recap for you : ShazhadFX and I have been KILLING the market so far in 2009.

i just walked out of a EURJPY that gave me around 500 pips.

and SFX caught a GBPCHF breakout short that gave 1,200 pips!!!

about your aussie long idea : be careful..... wait for some sort of confirmation

you can check the past couple of pages to catch up....

regards, and welcome back...


Hey guys I'm back on the forum. I just stopped receiving updates and ended up elsewhere... you know, real life and all that.

Anyway, I'm still trading. Back into Equity Options right now but still trading FX, mainly just doing AUD/USD. Got a bit more time on my hands now so i'll be hanging around no doubt.

Right now I'm look for a buy in A/U at around .6810 but sitting tight now to see what this sudden drop does, I hoping to see decent buying in the sub 685 area.

Last trade picked up 100p with that double top at 7272

I have been seeing this market since 2004, the situation of 2004 and the present situation has totally changed. The present situation has full of difficulties. In 2004, we did not see this much of difficulties as we have seen in few months.