Solar wind - page 4

OK, another guy in another thread fixed its redrawing tendencies and I slapped in my little mod so here is the fixed file with the mod.

I think this sloarwind=fisher

forex01.gif  13 kb

zor v.1 post29


It is an unfortunate conversion of Fisher's transform from TS with slightly changed parameters

{ Ehlers' Fisher Transform Indicator

Copyright 2003, John Ehlers. All rights reserved. }

Inputs: price((H+L)/2), len(10);

Vars: maxH(0),minL(0),Fish(0),x(0);

maxH = highest(price,len);

minL = lowest(price,len);

x = .5*2*((price - minL)/(maxH - minL) - .5) + .5*value1[1];

if x > .999 then x = .999;

if x < -.999 then x = -.999;

Fish = .5*log((1 + x)/(1 - x)) + .5*Fish[1];



The way it is writen, instead of taking into account previous value it takes a future value into account an thus makes it worthless

You can find a cleaned up version of "Solar wind" in the post

For the sake of comparing I named it Solar wind too but bare in mind that it is Fiher's transform and treat it that way post29


5 -15 dk solar

periyotlar 10-20-30


first results SW & SW clean

3H test - Mladen, Congratulations!


solar repainting issue

Again Ruzgar Says That

He Uses This Repaintİng Issue. He Exactly Knows That Solar Repaints 2 Or 3 Bars But He Uses It With Different Setups Like 10-20-30. And Another Idea By Ruzgar Is That He Enters A Trade 5-min Indicators But Follows It 15-min Indicators Especially Depends Upon Solar Wind. All I Understand Are That.

P.s.: He Also Says That If Solar Does Not Repaint All Of Us Can Be Abromovic.


