Traders joking, the beginning - page 476


forgot this link, on my latest quoted reply, I am a robotic dummy guy

forgot this link, on my latest quoted reply, I am a robotic dummy guy

long time no c


great... it's the last one... at :25


I like you as museum author

I got a bit wild inside any museum, no matter which cities, some are friendly though

hong kong, easier, to play hang seng index, no technical knowledge required

we are still hatching from the meaning of our DEMOCRACY

I don't like LONDON WESTMINSTER parliament, only speakers can limited speak, others are seated and hooray

I like you as museum author

I got a bit wild inside any museum, no matter which cities, some are friendly though

hong kong, easier, to play hang seng index, no technical knowledge required

we are still hatching from the meaning of our DEMOCRACY

I don't like LONDON WESTMINSTER parliament, only speakers can limited speak, others are seated and hooray

as usual...profound if I may observation?


any good windows 8 software, that is working ??!

hard time, some 32 bit does not work on win 8, win 8 is 64 bit business OS

great... it's the last one... at :25

batman PAVA, it is so true

we shall use NANO micro forex trading account !!

got it, totally insider trader joke, for non newbie- they could be lotto or dumb , but brilliant enough to come to this forum, not babypip

President Obama has issued three veto threats in just two days. Meanwhile, Chris Christie has threatened four Vitos, two Charlies, and a Doug.


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Former Arkansas governor and potential 2016 candidate Mike Huckabee is releasing his 12th book later this month called, “God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy.” The craziest part: that's just his favorite aisle at Wal-Mart.