What Really Works From One Professional - page 103



Hey JD,

A question if you don't mind, i have downloaded the demo version of Elwave 7.1. Unfortunately demo doesn't accept any new file execpt the already loaded samples (built in). Is there any other way to load MT4 data in order to try the software before purchasing.

Thanks in advance, and keep up the great job.

wave 4 correction equal to wave 1..hopefully wave 5 now for target 1.6976, at present..

Hi JD,

Is that Elwave add-on on Metastock that you are using?


Hi JD,

Is that Elwave add-on on Metastock that you are using?


Elwave stand alone..

wave 4 correction equal to wave 1..hopefully wave 5 now for target 1.6976, at present..

Is it me or there is something wrong about your GU chart?? Where did you took your data? Here's mine.

capture_2.png  145 kb

Its just different TF data thats why its different..

Alternative chart to the downside..and the path it will probably follow

Its just different TF data thats why its different.. Alternative chart to the downside..and the path it will probably follow

Thanks for your previous reply.

Forgive my ignorance, what is TF? And what TF did you use to get that chart? Looking at the chart Elwave should be changing its counts at the point in time you had showed this chart, as it violates the guideline that Wave 4 will touch any part of Wave 1.

Update, wave 4 seems to be deeper..

I think this diagram -- all looks -- over-promising

again, it could be those fancy presentation indicator or chartting


example, using this wave method, where is the turning point ??

or any volatility during the exit point etc

so radar is not that narrow -- I just guess, I never try it

====== ===

but 1 thing , I noticed in this forum

some threads are more popular, when someone issue a new system here, the following week, the market movement is more hard to predict -- that is so true

if we want predictable, indicator -- then we need to start a thread to exchange those

Thanks for your previous reply. Forgive my ignorance, what is TF? And what TF did you use to get that chart? Looking at the chart Elwave should be changing its counts at the point in time you had showed this chart, as it violates the guideline that Wave 4 will touch any part of Wave 1.

Time Frame.. But as far as i look, the prices are the ones for gbpusd, but the waves doesn,t look like my recent hystory. So what is this chart? It seems your missing some data around the 11,12,13 nov,


I'm in no doubt Elwave is a complex programme and many do give up, but find the right settings and it can be useful..

The chart below is a collapsed view of wave II (Red markers) as it finished on its pull back to 1.5456..In the wave inspector it even tells you that this is an expanded flat correction and normally proceeds a strong acceleration to wave B 1.6655...The score is high at 40 which is 90% certain..


From the previous chart wave 4 stopped at 1.6452 our target as stated was 1.6435 so not too bad..

xx3xxx How was that chart "looking over promising when targets are being hit....?...

Yves, the data imported into Elwave from MT4 is 1 minute data..But stop comparing data, what's relative to mine is correct and to yours will be also..I'm not interested in your data , only mine..Otherwise you will tie yourself up thinking that your data or mine isn't correct..Yours will be relevant to your trading..

The chart below is one from 24/11 at 8.20am..You can see the targets projected the last on its way now to 1.6748..
