Dynamic Fibonacci Grid, Fx Money Map - page 15


mpower still around,, got it working.

cracking stuff

From the east coast to the west coast. I have been to thier trading room twice in Malibu California for the ... If anyone HasIdeas Suggests, Comments, or anything regarding making a 2-D grid trading system better PM me. We will add your ideas if suitable. This software will be free once released

has this software been released?


The owners of this site, in wisdom,

Will not let me post, since I have been a lurker, not a time waster asking 6000 questions. I have been using this.

I have figured out how to make money with it.

It needs to have another window running side by side with it.

Dolly Graphics 12 , and a few other indicators.

But, I have simplified it.

Don't waste my time, I wont waste yours.

If you are serious and have money to put where your mouth is, because you will have to spend to get the other indicators, not from me, I do not make a penny on it. I am not selling anything. I have just been putzing with this thing for 3 years.

I am not a coder, I am not smart, but it makes money.

If what I said makes sense 2 you contact me. Otherwise DO NOT


MR Tools

The moderators will not let me send you a reply


the picture

pic enclosed

618.gif  230 kb


The Gods of the forum will not let me answer any emails I have received about this...Sorry I cannot share...contact me direct if you like


Midnight London

Look At mid night London Time...I do not care where you are.

Midnight London Time

618_bounce.gif  191 kb

Out 1/2 position

out of half still in 1.56615 target

The moderators will not let me send you a reply

Thanks Lojack for showing the way you are using the Fx Gauge, but to be honest not really interested in the commercial systems (been burnt too many times ) been mainly interested in rebuilding the Fx Gauge and seeing what you are using with it gave me some ideas!

Think the reason you can't pm yet is far as i know you need 10 posts before it will work, just forum rules .


I am in Total Agreement

I also am not interested in commercial systems.

I can only trade what I can see, but some people cannot program, I am one of those. The tools available from some "Other Ideas" are "Very Revealing when used with the Guage. The Key Is The fib numbers, applied at the right time.

An opening of a 4 hour bar, in relation ship to the Guage is incredibly powerful.

If Metatrader gave us more Live choices in time , ie, 10 min bar, 2 hour bar. We all could be more successful.

My only intention here is to bring life to a thread I have followed for 3 years...MY Use time of this indicator, but no indicator is perfect.

What can I, or you add to it to tell us a PREWARNING of Change ?

Think of what we are all doing , after the open, where is the Daily High, after the open where is the daily low ? The fibs are everything in-between.

The old saying.....read between the lines.....I purchased the additional indicators you see me use....In the case of TRO, I donated...that is what I meant by not being free.......you want to play in the sandbox with the biggest shovel, you have to BUY IT, it is not at Home Depot, and it sure as hell is not in the Place where I am......Hey, take or leave it ....I really do not care. This comment is like an encyclopedia, reach in and take what you want.

As far as the rule for answering emails, filters are available for Spam, email can be filtered. But the Gods have rules.....I obey God but I do not like all his rules.