Dynamic Fibonacci Grid, Fx Money Map - page 27

That would be nice to see

I don't think that he will show results

That would be nice to see

It would be nice nut I would not expect anything


I can recommend the System of TheForexArmy which is completely for free and does exactly the same like all These Systems.. http://www.theforexarmy.com/


​sebastianK nbtrading morro Sorry I just now see your messages, it has been busy year and not been keeping up to date with the forums.

I finished 2015 +137% with a significant withdraw in November for a rental property I was acquiring. What most people fail to understand is that there is multiple ways to trade a dynamic Fibonacci System so there is all different results. Other who I keep in touch with did way better than me, trading with the same system.It all depends on your strategies that you use.

Lately I have only been following what they call their Simple Fibonacci Forex Strategy and in Nov +22% Dec +8% and Jan +15%. I think they show the results for the strategy every week if you want to see individual trades etc..

boederzeng - I have tried that system, It is very Inaccurate, like with all MT4 systems because the data is filtered. No professional scalper would use mt4. Not to mention it is confusing and most of the design is pointless. to each their own. I looked at it and did not like it at all.

cheers mart

​sebastianK nbtrading morro Sorry I just now see your messages, it has been busy year and not been keeping up to date with the forums.

I finished 2015 +137% with a significant withdraw in November for a rental property I was acquiring. What most people fail to understand is that there is multiple ways to trade a dynamic Fibonacci System so there is all different results. Other who I keep in touch with did way better than me, trading with the same system.It all depends on your strategies that you use.

Lately I have only been following what they call their Simple Fibonacci Forex Strategy and in Nov +22% Dec +8% and Jan +15%. I think they show the results for the strategy every week if you want to see individual trades etc..

boederzeng - I have tried that system, It is very Inaccurate, like with all MT4 systems because the data is filtered. No professional scalper would use mt4. Not to mention it is confusing and most of the design is pointless. to each their own. I looked at it and did not like it at all.

cheers mart

what data filtering are you talking about?

I can recommend the System of TheForexArmy which is completely for free and does exactly the same like all These Systems.. http://www.theforexarmy.com/

Nonsense ...

I can recommend the System of TheForexArmy which is completely for free and does exactly the same like all These Systems.. http://www.theforexarmy.com/

I do happen to be the owner of The Forex Army's system but it ain't free, lol.

Anyway, regarding "cltchy14's" reply (although I do have some suspicion that you're actually undercover from fxpm based on your posts I shall not go there), I'm not sure what you mean by data filtering on MT4, it seems like you're implying all brokers are manipulated or something? MT4's execution seems to be quite alright especially if you're using true ECN/STP/DMA brokers, in all honesty I do agree that MT4 has it's short-comings but it's quite harsh to take such a strong stance against them.

I've built the design of the TFA Sniper to simplify a lot of the massive amount of data that other systems are lacking in a visually friendly way (at least since V2 has been released). It's only confusing if you don't take the time to learn it.

Just to clarify, the TFA Sniper built by The Forex Army is meant to be more than a scalping tool. It's meant to complement all trading strategies especially with it's flag formation momentum filter.There are many strategies developed to cater to scalpers, day traders and swing traders.

For example, we've developed a breakout pullback strategy that has our trader doubling his live account in 1 month with 7% drawdown (see the verifiable trade statement on the page) and another trader who uses the fibonacci waves with fibonacci pivot point indicators to bring 50%+ in 1 month on his live account (verifiable trade statement on the page too).

Anyway, my point is that one should always be learning new ways to master the market.

I don't stand by a simple fibonacci waves indicator alone and swear that it will bring great riches to everyone - that is foolish thinking and would show that I'm blinded by my own devices. Instead, I believe in constantly educating traders especially in the art of how to use fibonacci retracements properly and show their unique relationship with the Elliott Wave theory and am constantly working on ways to teach traders how to trade properly.

I previously worked at oanda and I've seen how 98%+ of all traders lose money and it's not easy to earn money in the forex market. One has to properly equip himself with the proper methodology, strategy and psychology to really tackle the market well.

All systems can be good, whether moneymap, fxpm or tigerlanes. Honestly, I think they're all a great bunch of people running honest businesses with unique programs they have developed and I take my hats off to anyone who can develop a proprietary system, especially those that work externally and require an API to link with a broker. Just remember not to look for the holy grail everytime, there is none. There are fantastic systems that have an "edge" over the market over a large number of trades (law of large numbers) as long as you stick religiously to the rules of the system and not let it be compromised by our human minds and our intolerance for losses.