The Murrey Math Trading System - page 34


Vote for MML EA


Thank you for your valuable posts.

I vote for MML EA versus MMI indicator.


Thanks for the help cmc and daraknor, enjoy your day...




hi folks

attached is a powerpoint presentation and 2 word documents, i dont know if they were posted here before. maybe its interesting for someone.

hi folks attached is a powerpoint presentation and 2 word documents, i dont know if they were posted here before. maybe its interesting for someone.

Thanx for sharing


I have been reading through the new MM materials I have. There "10 rules" are interesting because they are possible to confirm in part by other methods that are more reactive than predictive.

In other words, Murrey noticed that stuff happens. Traders notice that stuff happens. This is the same stuff. The difference is most indicators will tell you after the fact, and Murrey will tell you before it happens. He even gives percentage chances of reversals based on specific criteria. Trading just one of these percentages without any other rules or confirmation would likely be profitable on an even money bet, and even more profitable on a better bet. Since money bets on Murrey are easy to make 2TP:1SL or 3TP:1SL and 5TP:1SL they can be very good.

I did find a confirmation of when to enter a +/- 1 trade but I haven't deciphered it yet. "Too many traders think any market will move back to old lows or highs but they must move through any +2/8ths or -2/8ths and hold at this price for four days in a row or move past these MMTLines by an additional 30 cents."

I can see why most MM material doesn't mention currencies and forex.

#1 the timeframes are screwy, the intrabank trading requirements are 2 days, not 3.

#2 There are 3 major markets, with overlap, instead of 1 market. After eyeballing some charts I'm thinking about making MMI dependent only on a market, 8 hours at a time with -1 MMI and +1 MMI. I have seen very strong trends that only lasted 8 hours, and then trading was over and the next market decided their market action separately. That creates 15 markets per week, I might ignore or overlap for the 16th in testing.

#3 Daily data & conflict centers are more reliable without news. News creates price gaps, and those gaps don't obey the same rules. After the news settles down (15min after release) the MM lines seem to be restored. News spikes may simply need an additional filter to omit them from statistical reference checks - or create an indeterminate result.

Those disclaimers aside... wow. There is some "low hanging fruit" that can go in EA easily once MMI are constructed. Without timeframes, we can focus on the octave movements for profit/loss. A simple trend reversal system can be constructed based on the octaves. The +/- 1/2 trade system can be implemented very simply but we don't get as many trading signals. A time (flat hours or days based on scale - maybe # of bars) based filter can be applied for confirmation. looking at the last 64+8 bars will probably tell us a good MML frame to use for the bar based scale and also used for autoscaling in the indicators.

With time frames, we can do so very much more. Calculate 4 different reversal numbers (MMI octave based, parallel lines based, connecting MMI to MML, and pure MML) and do trend reversing, based on the type of reversal each method has a separate confirmation and exit strategy, etc.

Then we get into the esoteric stuff. Polarities of the 2-1-2 zone defense (circles of conflict) indicating reversal based on previous momentum in octave time interval. Trading range as % used as confirmation for MMI signals on activity, some sacred geometry used on MMI/MML squares to determine likely price range (Harmonic Triangle 68% of Time), etc.

I know I can write an EA that does reversal based trading. I don't know if I can make a Sacred Geometry EA or circle of conflict. The charts do *seem* to follow the lines indicated but we would need to do a lot of math to confirm this as statistically significant (for example, the Harmonic Triangle consumes 50% of the area for the MM Square but represents 68% price activity) and so on.

I am torn between making an MMI indicator, and an MML trading EA. I think the EA would be a better place to start, especially since MMI is something I still don't know how to correct Murrey Math for. (132 hours converted to 128 hour weeks, 64 trading days, 15 trading markets per week corrected to 16 in some manner, etc.)

Any votes for MML EA vs MMI indicator?

If it is not too much trouble for you ....2 is better than one ....... Cheeers

hi folks attached is a powerpoint presentation and 2 word documents, i dont know if they were posted here before. maybe its interesting for someone.



@ daraknor

Impressive, really impressive. My compliments

Vote for indicator

Best regards,


re vote

@ Daraknor

I too vote for indicator




My vote goes to the Indicator too...


I vote indicator..please.

Thanks a million for your input.
