Can you please give me sample code of OBJ_BUTTON because MQL documentation SUCKS


Can you please give me sample code of OBJ_BUTTON because MQL documentation SUCKS. MQL documentation show long example of bloated code.

There's example code that show many user defined function that not related to OBJ_BUTTON. I want documentation to be clean and short as much as possible to understand clearly, and likes flow of a river.

Give me sample code of OBJ_BUTTON including the size, border, corner, etc.

I created an indicator that used OBJ_LABEL but I want to turn it in BUTTON to use the background color to change the color depending on prices. 

   int x=5,y=10,width=80,height=20,corner=0,font_size=10;
   string name="Button",text="Press";
   color text_clr=clrBlack,back_clr=clrSilver,border_clr=clrBrown;

I would usually have this as a function, much simpler if there are going to be more than 1 button.

Musngi: Can you please give me sample code of OBJ_BUTTON because MQL documentation SUCKS.
See my GUI: Indicators: 'Money Manager Graphic Tool' indicator by 'takycard' Forum - Page 5

I would usually have this as a function, much simpler if there are going to be more than 1 button.

What are the difference between ObjectSet() and ObjectSetInteger()?


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This is serious question. I used ObjectSet() in OBJ_LABEL, then switching to OBJ_BUTTON. That's why I'm asking that question.

 I discovered that ObjectSet() don't work in OBJ_BUTTON. I spend a lot of time to make it work: For example this function1 don't work in OBJ_LABEL, or this function2 don't work in OBJ_BUTTON.

Why MQL documentation did not tell this?