Objects creation problem


Hi All,

i am creating a table on a chart that uses a "Wingdings" arrow. The simple code below produces an arrow in the label named "arrow" - I want to use OBJ_LABEL because of x,y coords and not time/price.

ObjectSet("arrow", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,200);
ObjectSet("arrow", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,200);

 I would like to be able to write an integer value in the same label space next to the arrow


This doesn't work of course because it interprets the "2" in "Wingdings" format.

Does anybody know the correct format to be able to do this?



I don't think this is ideal, using the limited numbers in wingdings


As GumRai rightly says, there is no ideal solution. You can't mix fonts within the same object, so your two choices are:

(1) Create two objects; or

(2) Make do with the wingding characters 128-149 


I don't think this is ideal, using the limited numbers in wingdings


thanks for the reply. I didn't put the full explanation in but I want to put a calculated integer value next to the arrow character - the integer will be calculated by some function so it will change.

I know this can be done by just creating another label space but I'm looking for a neater solution first if it can be done.


As GumRai rightly says, there is no ideal solution. You can't mix fonts within the same object, so your two choices are:

(1) Create two objects; or

(2) Make do with the wingding characters 128-149 

OK thanks - if it can't be done...it can't be done!