Reg: Critical error in calling a C/C++ DLL in updated MQL4



I am calling a C/C++ Dll in an EA in updated MQL4. But i am getting critical error in calling that DLL.

But if call the same Dll in earlier version of MQL4, it is calling perfect.

Please Help me regarding this.


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I am fetching from Database using C/C++ Dll and then importing it into EA in MQL4.

The EA code is as:

#import "SampleMSDBCon.dll"
int StoreIntoMSSQL(string ,string ,int ,string ,int ,int ,string,string);
bool is_Insertdb_connected();

#import "ReadingSignalsFromDB.dll"
//int FetchSignalsFromMS(string ,string ,int,string);
int FetchSignalsFromMS(string ,string ,string);
bool is_Fetchdb_connected();
int start


void FetchFromDB()
   //Signal = FetchSignalsFromMS( MSSymbName,Ea_name,elapsedSec,readProc);    
   Signal = FetchSignalsFromMS( MSSymbName,Ea_name,readProc);    
   Print("Signal = ", Signal);
   Print("elapsedSec = ", elapsedSec);
   if(Signal == 2)
      Print("Operation = Sell");
      Print("fetching from DB successfull with RetCode1 = " ,Signal); 
      Print("symbolName = ",MSSymbName,"Ea_name = ",Ea_name,"readProc = ",readProc);          
   else if(Signal == 1)
      Print("Operation = Buy");
      Print("fetching from DB successfull with RetCode1 = " ,Signal); 
      Print("MSSymbName = ",MSSymbName,"Ea_name = ",Ea_name,"readProc = ",readProc);     
      Print("fetching from DB failed with RetCode1 = " ,Signal);                   
As the calling of DLL is working fine in older version of MQL4; so as per me, the error is somewhere in C/C++ Dll but i am not sure on it. 
The DLL code is as follows:
int readSignalFromMSSQL(char *Symbol,char *Ea_name, char *pProcedure)
	HRESULT hr = S_OK ;
    _CommandPtr pCmd = NULL;
    _ConnectionPtr pConnection = NULL;
    _bstr_t strMessage, strAuthorID;

    long codRet = -1;
	 _ParameterPtr ParReturn1; // 
     _ParameterPtr Par1; // SYMBOL
	 _ParameterPtr Par2; // Ea_name
	  hr = pConnection->Open("dsn=MS_DB;", "sa", "sql2012", adConnectUnspecified);
	  //hr = pConnection->Open("dsn=SimulatorDB;", "sa", "sql2012", adConnectUnspecified);
      pConnection->CursorLocation = adUseClient;
      pCmd->CommandText = pProcedure;  
      pCmd->CommandType = adCmdStoredProc;
	  ParReturn1 = pCmd->CreateParameter( _bstr_t("@signal"), adInteger , adParamOutput, 0, codRet);
	  pCmd->Parameters->Append( ParReturn1 );

      Par1 = pCmd->CreateParameter("@symbol",adChar, adParamInput, strlen(Symbol) , Symbol);

	  Par2 = pCmd->CreateParameter("@eaname",adChar, adParamInput, strlen(Ea_name) , Ea_name );
	  pCmd->ActiveConnection = pConnection;
      hr = pCmd->Execute( 0, 0, adCmdStoredProc );	  

      if( FAILED(hr) )
         codRet = -2;
         ParReturn1 = pCmd->Parameters->GetItem(_bstr_t("@signal"));	//0
         codRet = ParReturn1->GetValue();
	catch(_com_error ) 
		codRet = -3;
    if (pConnection)
      if (pConnection->State == adStateOpen)

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int FetchSignalsFromMS(char *Symbol,char *Ea_name ,char *pProcedure)
	int  ccc  = readSignalFromMSSQL(Symbol,Ea_name,pProcedure);
	//char intStr[12];
	//char *strr = intStr+1 ;
	//int elapsedSec = atoi(strr);
	//int Signal = first(ccc);
	return(ccc) ; 