MT4 build 600 email alert using GMX not working anymore - page 4


Hi, I just tested B604, the problem is still persisting, below is journal log for informing & updating MQ Service Requests:


I've created just workaround library (for temporary use until MetaQuotes fix, maybe few days).

Get it from here:

See README how to use:


Thanks micclly for your interim solution.

MetaQuotes really need to fix this problem asap as many users are facing the same problem and cannot be expected to use micclly's custom solution in each and every case.


MetaQuotes really need to fix this problem asap as many users are facing the same problem and cannot be expected to use micclly's custom solution in each and every case.

Agreed indeed :)

just ran tests, sending to hotmail :

on a fresh 604 install it sends the email and is received by hotmail maybe twice . After that hotmail does not get the emails . or it is getting them and they are not allowing them through for some reason.

Switch back to 509 all is well


Hi, I just tested B604, the problem is still persisting, below is journal log for informing & updating MQ Service Requests:

Journal message means that you specify invalid sender address in "From" field of Mail Settings Dialog.
Please check it.
Journal message means that you specify invalid sender address in "From" field of Mail Settings Dialog.
Please check it.

As I have clearly explained, the same email setting (see below) works for B509 and MT5, but it does not work for B600-604.

Is there any problem with my email settings below please? It has been like this all the time, and every one has been doing it this way all the time.

As I have also explained before, email Alerts and email Tests worked for B604 but SendMail does not work in my indicators and EAs.

Please help resolve the problem asap as it has been outstanding for many days. Thank you!


I double this.

Test send set the From header as From address in Email tab, but SendMail does not.

It seems it's just bug.


As I have clearly explained, the same email setting (see below) works for B509 and MT5, but it does not work for B600-604.

Is there any problem with my email settings below please? It has been like this all the time, and every one has been doing it this way all the time.

As I have also explained before, email Alerts and email Tests worked for B604 but SendMail does not work in my indicators and EAs.

Please help resolve the problem asap as it has been outstanding for many days. Thank you!

I tested and confirm this. It works in 509 and mt5 but fails in mt4+. Please metaQuotes just fix it (or go break it in mt5 if its a bug).
I tested and confirm this. It works in 509 and mt5 but fails in mt4+. Please metaQuotes just fix it (or go break it in mt5 if its a bug).

It's reported to ServiceDesk (Alexander replied), I insisted for checked that.