
I am trying to add a library to my advisor. I made all the configuration.

But at the last point it gives this error while compiling :

'GetNameOP'- function is not defined

And this is the line where it points the problem :

Print("Ask=",pAsk," Bid=",pBid," sy=",sy," op="+GetNameOP(OrderType()),

Anyone can help me to fix it ?



I am trying to add a library to my advisor. I made all the configuration.

But at the last point it gives this error while compiling :

'GetNameOP'- function is not defined

And this is the line where it points the problem :

Print("Ask=",pAsk," Bid=",pBid," sy=",sy," op="+GetNameOP(OrderType()),

Anyone can help me to fix it ?

Show your function


the error is not defined this function so where is it coded ???


Show your function


the error is not defined this function so where is it coded ???

Thank you for your answer deVries,

But where should I add this line in my advisor ?

Can you describe me how to do that ?


Thank you for your answer deVries,

But where should I add this line in my advisor ?

Can you describe me how to do that ?

You are calling a function the EA can't find

Simply said have you forget to make it ???

What has it to do ....

Maybe easier remove the functioncall


What line? He asked where did you write the function GetNameOP().

Do you think you can write "+GetNameOP(...)" and it magically appears?

Since there are no slaves here, there are only two choices: learn to code or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you.


What line? He asked where did you write the function GetNameOP().

Do you think you can write "+GetNameOP(...)" and it magically appears?

Since there are no slaves here, there are only two choices: learn to code or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you.

your posts that constantly direct people to "learn" at the website is beginning to look like spam.

considering that you are one of the supposed teachers over at

and considering that is about the biggest scam trap out there...

they used to have a store that sold the most lame software anywhere and some of it was hella overpriced.

please stop spamming.

note: people can learn just fine right here at this forum, they do not need to go to your forum and to your store to learn.

get it?

and i would really appreciate your not referring to those of us that enjoy discussing code as slaves, it is just simply rude.

this is the official forum for the metaquotes corporation.

this is not the whroeder forum.

please stop badgering the visitors to this forum by telling them that they need to either learn at your website or pay, that is just simply rude.

good day,


smoknfx: Is a troll, a babbling troll

Smoknfx, if you want to code it for them, DO IT. Otherwise STFU

This isn't a free coding service and their request is off topic. Any discussions except of concerning MetaQuotes Language 4 and auto trading are forbidden. Asking for people to code it is off topic. Asking for help with their code is fine.

And I don't have a website. I didn't say anything about good or bad. I just point to where there is a free instructional posted, in addition to the book and doc that they hadn't bothered to read.

Please do not feed the troll.

When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies.


To explain. Open the code in hte MetaEdtor and do a find ctrl key held down with F key or conventionally ctrl+F. Type in GetNameOP in the find box and search for it. Use F3 to search for next instance. When you come accross code that looks like

string GetNameOP( string varname) {
you have found the function's definition, varname will not be the actual name in what you are looking for if the function definition exists in the code at all.

If you do find this move the whole of it, up to and including the functions closing curly bracket and move the code to the end of the file.