Expert Advisors>Properties>Inputs - page 2




By the way, I am also running this same EA on another system on a Demo ECN platform, local network, same XP, the difference being that it is Build 418 and there is no problem changing INPUTS. Is there a way to go back to Build 418 and see if the 419 Build is the problem?


Make a backup before you do this . . .

Copy the terminal.exe from the 418 build installation to the 419 build installation . .

No, can't go back to previous version.

RaptorUK, I don't think MT 418 will work in 419 environment.


No, can't go back to previous version.

RaptorUK, I don't think MT 418 will work in 419 environment.

Ah OK, did they change something fundamental from 418 --> 419 ?

Make a backup before you do this . . .

Copy the terminal.exe from the 418 build installation to the 419 build installation . .

Gosh, a British bird of prey? Makes us Scottish/Irish from the plantation tremble just to contemplate it? (:-)

I follow your suggestion, but doing so is above my pay grade.

Could you trouble to provide some detail on how to do this? Both checking the MetaEditor version and setting up the 418 Build?

By the way, just finished rereading Smiley's People and Russia House. Superb!


Ah OK, did they change something fundamental from 418 --> 419 ?

Mmm ... yeah ... fundamentally they change the build number from 418 to 419.

Okay, okay, I stop myself before you "killing" me.

1. If your running EA/CI that is calling .dll, (not system .dll), then this .dll may causing your MT become not-responsive to outside command. Attach your EA again, open your Task Manager and see how much processor usage your MT use.

2. Try open just one chart and attach this EA again. See if there any change and again look at Task Manager.

Whatever it is, I will be surprise if you MT processor usage is small and you still can't change the input - even on "MACD sample".

3. If that's 2 above does not work, let's check your system. Since you have XP SP3, why don't you run sfc (system file checker - click here), - just to check that your system still intact !. Read that link first.

1. Log in as Admin to your PC.

2. Open Command Prompt as Administrator (If I'm not mistaken, Start > Program > Accessories > Command Prompt)

3. type this "sfc /?", without "" (double quotes) to find out what sfc is.

4. Then type "sfc /scannow", without "" (double quotes).

5. Wait for sfc to complete it's job, don't do anything, especially running System Restore, just don't interrupt this process until sfc finish.

6. When sfc finish - whatever the result - restart your PC !

If you do all these 3 and still unable change the input, then I don't have the answer.



Gosh, a British bird of prey? Makes us Scottish/Irish from the plantation tremble just to contemplate it? (:-)

I follow your suggestion, but doing so is above my pay grade.

Could you trouble to provide some detail on how to do this? Both checking the MetaEditor version and setting up the 418 Build?

Hi Bob,

to check the versions is very simple, click the Help menu item, then About and the Build version is shown . . . (see images below)

It's OK to use an earlier version of the Editor than your Terminal but going the other way can cause problems . . . the easy solution is to remove your EA from the terminal (mq4 and ex4 files), copy the EA source code file (mq4 file) back to the Experts directory and then restart MT4 . . this will cause it to be re-compiled with the correct version of the compiler.

Alright, fundamentally thing . I don't think you want to use build 418 after reading this New Version of MetaTrader Client Terminal Build 418 All of those replies over there were nothing but complain.
Alright, fundamentally thing . I don't think you want to use build 418 after reading this New Version of MetaTrader Client Terminal Build 418 All of those replies over there were nothing but complain.
Good point . .

Mmm ... yeah ... fundamentally they change the build number from 418 to 419.

Okay, okay, I stop myself before you "killing" me.

1. If your running EA/CI that is calling .dll, (not system .dll), then this .dll may causing your MT become not-responsive to outside command. Attach your EA again, open your Task Manager and see how much processor usage your MT use.

2. Try open just one chart and attach this EA again. See if there any change and again look at Task Manager.

Whatever it is, I will be surprise if you MT processor usage is small and you still can't change the input - even on "MACD sample".

3. If that's 2 above does not work, let's check your system. Since you have XP SP3, why don't you run sfc (system file checker - click here), - just to check that your system still intact !. Read that link first.

1. Log in as Admin to your PC.

2. Open Command Prompt as Administrator (If I'm not mistaken, Start > Program > Accessories > Command Prompt)

3. type this "sfc /?", without "" (double quotes) to find out what sfc is.

4. Then type "sfc /scannow", without "" (double quotes).

5. Wait for sfc to complete it's job, don't do anything, especially running System Restore, just don't interrupt this process until sfc finish.

6. When sfc finish - whatever the result - restart your PC !

If you do all these 3 and still unable change the input, then I don't have the answer.


Zacky and Raptor ........... You will not believe the unnecessary trouble I put you two through ......... I am now going into hiding to try to deal with my shame. (:-(

I was told by a friend several days ago that my Mouse might not be working OK so I got a new wireless Logitech M185 and after numerous attempts was able to download the driver from their confusing website.... finally using the old Logitec wired mouse, so it was obviously not the old mouse.

I just now went to My computer>Change a setting>Mouse and saw that the Double Click speed was set at the fastest speed. I had not noticed this feature before, but I moved it back to less than halfway, and, damn, that was the problem. My normal double click fingering speed was not fast enough for the highest setting. Thank you guys a thousand times. Isn't it always the unexpected? You are surely both Gentlemen Of The Old School when honor and service to fellow man was foremost. (:-)



Zacky and Raptor ........... You will not believe the unnecessary trouble I put you two through ......... I am now going into hiding to try to deal with my shame. (:-(

I was told by a friend several days ago that my Mouse might not be working OK so I got a new wireless Logitech M185 and after numerous attempts was able to download the driver from their confusing website.... finally using the old Logitec wired mouse, so it was obviously not the old mouse.

I just now went to My computer>Change a setting>Mouse and saw that the Double Click speed was set at the fastest speed. I had not noticed this feature before, but I moved it back to less than halfway, and, damn, that was the problem. My normal double click fingering speed was not fast enough for the highest setting. Thank you guys a thousand times. Isn't it always the unexpected? You are surely both Gentlemen Of The Old School when honor and service to fellow man was foremost. (:-)


No worry, you probably have no idea how many times that happen in here.

Here's some of them - if you have time to read the whole thread, sometime the answer is obvious - and and even me made mistake (I was watching Moto GP). And sometime we need coffee (scroll this one up)

We have fun though :D.

PS : We should have new section here, called it "Blooper" or something.


No worry, you probably have no idea how many times that happen in here.

Just don't mention the"bug" I reported to all and sundry . . . only to find it was a problem with my code . . . thanks for letting us know the cause of the issue Bob. :-)