NLR value from carve


Any one have idea about how i can get the value from the carve

i am just use the NLR_MIX indicator and its attached below

and want to build my own EA

i want the value of

colse buy warring, colse sell warring,F1_1,F2_2,WRC


Alright ali adel, if you multiple post again, no one will ever help :|.

Either your NLR Mix : 1) need to be added some buffer so can be called by iCustom or 2) included inside the EA which more practical to me.

All the value you need is available on NLR Mix library under Create_SDC function. Figure that out, writes some codes, we'll help you correct it for free no question ask.


Alright ali adel, if you multiple post again, no one will ever help :|.

Either your NLR Mix : 1) need to be added some buffer so can be called by iCustom or 2) included inside the EA which more practical to me.

All the value you need is available on NLR Mix library under Create_SDC function. Figure that out, writes some codes, we'll help you correct it for free no question ask.

i write the code of the icustom but in the curve many variable how ican show them at all

double randomValue=iCustom(NULL,0,"NLR_Mix",true,true,false,"2011.01.01 00:00",300,3,true,2,Goldenrod,SkyBlue,"______________________________",true,0.62,1.0,1.62,DodgerBlue, "______________________________",true,2.62,0,i);


Your iCustom is correct. Though, you can change the "______________________________", into like "_", cause that's an insignificant input string. Your ICustom there was for CLOSE BUY WARNING, because you put 0 before "i". To get the value of F1_1, F2_2, WRC you need some Object function, or use my option number 2 above.

I have to re-look at this because this is the first time I saw CI drawing like this. I really don't have any idea how to solve this :)