Change time in MT4


How can I change plattform/broker-time in MT4 so it will be syncronised to "system time"?

I know how to change time to local time (I add -2h), so that I get my local time in my scripts. And I could change all to MT4-time, it would work perfekt, but my external algo runs on system time...


If I compare my system clock right now it could be 3 seconds ahead. Tomorrow I could be 3 seconds behind.

Because I export all data on second "00" (last 1 min period), to a SQL-server it is important that I get the whole last-minute data.

I run an external algo on system time, thats why I want to export data in systemtime.

Poor solution:

A workaround could be that I export MetaTrader-time through something, maybe a loop that writes to a textfile every second (this feature could also work as a check for an external Watchdog) and I change my algo to MetaTrader-time.

A bad solution would be to make a DDE-server, because then I have to wait for a tick, to get the time.

Any solution?


How can I change plattform/broker-time in MT4 so it will be syncronised to "system time"?

u can't change the platform or brokers time but u can synchronize your system time to the brokers time automatically let's say every hour or so
u can't change the platform or brokers time but u can synchronize your system time to the brokers time automatically let's say every hour or so

Is there a function to synchronize system-time to "brokers time automatically"?

I can do it by a workaround, but is there a simple solution, please let me know!!!

this is what i'm using
this is what i'm using

I changed your code, so I get my own timezone with the MT4 time. I will load this as an EA and I put one hour "Sleep" in an everlasting loop. I haven´t tried this yet. I will attach my EA on some odd forex symbol...

I´m a super newbie with a week of experience of MT4, so will this work?

//|                                        SyncCompClockToServer.mq4 |
//|                                         Copyright © 2010, nadav. |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2010, NADAV."
//| script program start function                                    |
#import "shell32.dll" 
int ShellExecuteA(int hwnd,string Operation,string File,string Parameters,string Directory,int ShowCmd); 
int start(){
   datetime BrokerTime, MyTime;
   string ServerTime, ServerDate, mm, dd, yy;
   double MyTimeZone = -2;      //--- Change MyTimezone to you local, in my case -2
   int StayWhile = 1;
   while (StayWhile == 1){
      //--- Updates once every hour
      //---- Calculation
      BrokerTime = TimeCurrent();
      MyTime = BrokerTime - (MyTimeZone)*3600;
      ServerTime = TimeToStr((TimeHour(MyTime)/24)+(TimeMinute(MyTime)/(24*60))+(TimeSeconds(MyTime)/(24*60*60)));
      ServerDate = DoubleToStr(TimeYear(MyTime),0) + "." + DoubleToStr(TimeMonth(MyTime),0) + "." + DoubleToStr(TimeDay(MyTime),0);
      //string ServerTime = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(),TIME_SECONDS);
      //string ServerDate = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(),TIME_DATE);
      mm = StringSubstr(ServerDate,5,2);
      dd = StringSubstr(ServerDate,8,2);
      yy = StringSubstr(ServerDate,2,2);
      ShellExecuteA(0, "Open", "cmd.exe", "/c date" + " " + mm + "-" + dd + "-" + yy, "", 1); 
      ShellExecuteA(0, "Open", "cmd.exe", "/c time" + " " + ServerTime, "", 1);
this is what i'm using

I almost forgot... Thank You!

I almost forgot... Thank You!
Clean up!
//|                                        SyncCompClockToServer.mq4 |
//|                                         Copyright © 2010, nadav. |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2010, NADAV."
//| script program start function                                    |
#import "shell32.dll" 
int ShellExecuteA(int hwnd,string Operation,string File,string Parameters,string Directory,int ShowCmd); 
int start(){
   datetime MyTime;
   string ServerTime;
   double MyTimeZone = -2;      //--- Change MyTimezone to you local, in my case -2
   int StayWhile = 1;
   while (StayWhile == 1){
      //--- Updates every hour
      //---- Calculation
      MyTime = TimeCurrent() - (MyTimeZone)*3600;
      ServerTime = TimeToStr((TimeHour(MyTime)/24)+(TimeMinute(MyTime)/(24*60))+(TimeSeconds(MyTime)/(24*60*60)));
      ShellExecuteA(0, "Open", "cmd.exe", "/c date" + " " + DoubleToStr(TimeMonth(MyTime),0) + "-" + DoubleToStr(TimeDay(MyTime),0) + "-" + DoubleToStr(TimeYear(MyTime),0), "", 1); 
      ShellExecuteA(0, "Open", "cmd.exe", "/c time" + " " + ServerTime, "", 1);
//|                                        SyncCompClockToServer.mq4 |
//|                                         Copyright © 2010, nadav. |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2010, NADAV."
//| script program start function                                    |
#import "shell32.dll" 
int ShellExecuteA(int hwnd,string Operation,string File,string Parameters,string Directory,int ShowCmd); 
int start(){
   datetime MyTime;
   string ServerTime, ServerDate;
   double MyTimeZone = -2;      //--- Change MyTimezone to your local, in my case -2
   int StayWhile = 1;
   while (StayWhile == 1){
      //--- Updates every hour
      //---- Calculation
      MyTime = TimeCurrent() - (MyTimeZone)*3600;
      ServerDate = DoubleToStr(TimeYear(MyTime),0) + "-" + DoubleToStr(TimeMonth(MyTime),0) + "-" + DoubleToStr(TimeDay(MyTime),0);
      ServerTime = DoubleToStr(TimeHour(MyTime),0) + ":" + DoubleToStr(TimeMinute(MyTime),0) + ":" + DoubleToStr(TimeSeconds(MyTime),0);
      ShellExecuteA(0, "Open", "cmd.exe", "/c date" + " " + ServerDate, "", 1); 
      ShellExecuteA(0, "Open", "cmd.exe", "/c time" + " " + ServerTime, "", 1);

The script above is tested and working:

In Sweden the date is yyyt-mm-dd, you may have to change this...

that's y i use StringSubstr() (yy mm dd or whatever u need) to be able to change quickly