My Alert Window has gone missing!


I am developing my EA and use the Alert function extensively.

It is great -- but with no obvious explanation the window has gone walk about.

The regular ALERT 'noise signal' keeps sounding but there is no window popping up to display the contents of the ALERT message. If I replace the ALERT with MESSAGEBOX then sure enough the MessageBox pops up


I've seen this a few times, a window gets pushed off the physical screen so you can't mouse it back.

Google: Off screen window restore


I've seen this a few times, a window gets pushed off the physical screen so you can't mouse it back.

Google: Off screen window restore

don't think this is the solution. I don't have any icon to 'hover over'

I have shut everything down, rebooted and still found nothing.

If I cntrl Alt Delete then there are no other applications to swap to

However - I noticed - if I go to Processes most of the processes have *32 next to them which looks unusual and weird.

Also when I rebooted the system took ages to go through a "Please Wait Windows Configures Status"



I have several installations of MetaTrader ( for testing).

Run another installation and all seems fine (i.e. the Alert signal sounds & displays a message in a window).

i.e. this window disappearing seams to be relevant to one installation of MetaTrader - hence I'd have thought there should be some way to correct the problem