Chart (re)sizing suggestion


Dear Developers,

I'd like to suggest a new feature for the next release of MT4.

Now we have the option to resize the chart either freely by using the mouse OR entering top- and lowermost values in the properties page.
The second one is closer to my needs but the distance between the lines of the grid is calculated based on the window size.

What really would make sense (from a traders point of view) is that if there'd be an option to enter (or select from a dropdown list) values like 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, etc.
to BE the distance IN PIPS between those lines.

And, of course, those values should start by the nearest as rounded as possible value.

Like 1.2950, 1.2955, 1.2960 instead of 1.2952, 1.2957, 1.22962.

Please consider taking steps because this thing is not that hard to implement and would just.. make traders life much easier.


Jeno Borsodi

MT4 wont have any new features anymore. They are now only concentrating on MT5. MT4 is considered obsolete already.
MT4 wont have any new features anymore. They are now only concentrating on MT5. MT4 is considered obsolete already.

I've already tried MT5 and I like it but still, my broker does not support it - afaik.

Is there a way to connect to my broker using an MT5 client or that would also need an MT5 server-solution on their part to do so?


or that would also need an MT5 server-solution on their part to do so? YES
