Fractals email alert help!


Hi all.I think i am writing this in wright section.After some time i find this fractal indicator that gives sound alerts.I am tring to make indi that will send email  but cant make it work.Can someone help?

First one is with sound alert second one is what i made so far for emails.When i add sendmail command it dont work .But at same that time other indicators do send emails so it isnt something wrong with mail sending options.I just cant write it nice inside indicator. 


Can't see a SendMail() function call in there.

Seems like file is corrupt.


Well when i add one it just hold still.Indicator will not open like it is now without that order.I tryed to Alert order displace with Sendmail but again it will not even open to set basic paramatars like Email and sound TRue or false.I was hoping someone can add it.

This is the one when i instead of Alert add SendMail order.Wont open i n my platform.


I'll say it again.

The file you posted is corrupt.

SendMail() is an easy function to implement. 2 parameters. Both strings. One for the email subject line. And the second for the email body.

This is a place to learn. And replacing Alert() with SendMail() is about as simple as it gets.

IF you can be bothered.



Ok thanks a lot.Is theare any one who can write this so it will work.Someone smarter then me.


Cloudbreaker maybe you can write it wright?Maybe you can add in basic fractal indicator this mail option