Trouble accessing buffer inside an indicator- please help


When ever I try to get the value from a buffer, I am getting "2147483647". But if I try to get the value from a buffer used to store another indicator values, say "MACD", it gives the correct values. Any other buffer used for intermidiate calculations, shows "2147483647". If any body got same issue, please help me...




When ever I try to get the value from a buffer, I am getting "2147483647". But if I try to get the value from a buffer used to store another indicator values, say "MACD", it gives the correct values. Any other buffer used for intermidiate calculations, shows "2147483647". If any body got same issue, please help me...



2147483647 is a special constant or EMPTY_VALUE which is the default custom indicator empty value. This means that the buffer doesn't contain any data. As you said some indicators use buffers for intermediate calculations. What's the point reading them?
