9 charts in a profile all mixed up


I look at 9 currency pairs--all on one profile--each profile set up by timeframe--so there is a weekly profile with 9 charts, a daily profile with 9 charts, etc.

My problem--I work on multiple computers with differing monitor resolutions--so I would like to use the tile commands (vertical and/or horizontal) to resize the screen to fit each monitor as I move from one to the other (I have the program installed on a flash key.) But what happens is that every time I use one of the tile commands the 9 charts get rearranged in an apparently random fashion. The only way I can figure out to reset things the way I like is to reorder each chart manually using the mouse.

So my question--is there any way to prevent this random behavior and have the 9 charts stay in a specified order in a profile even if the profile is resized? (alphabetical would be great--or just however they are set up the first time would be even better...)

Thanks for any advice or help anyone can provide!




This is more a UI issue than code - better to try at http://www.metatrader4.com/forum/
