Viewing Source Code After Compiling



As a new mql programmer, I'm having trouble retreiving the original mql source code after a successful compilation has occured. The MetaEditor appears to only show a Template with empty header,init, deinit and start functions once the ex4 file has been generated. So far the only way I've been able to recall my original source code is to save it as a text file before compiling.

Thanks for any suggestions



Directly look in the following directory for <your filename>.mq4 file:

C:\Program Files\FIBO Group\experts   - if you wrote

C:\Program Files\FIBO Group\experts\indicatiors   - if you wrote indicator

C:\Program Files\FIBO Group\experts\scripts   - if you wrote a script.

It's actually weird that the original source is missing. Could you have accidentially deleted it?

wbunn wrote >>


As a new mql programmer, I'm having trouble retreiving the original mql source code after a successful compilation has occured. The MetaEditor appears to only show a Template with empty header,init, deinit and start functions once the ex4 file has been generated. So far the only way I've been able to recall my original source code is to save it as a text file before compiling.

Thanks for any suggestions


I apparently didn't research this adequately. It looks like the problem was due to not saving the mql source before compiling. Everything seems to work ok now. I appreciate your suggestions.
