Interpreting tester results...

I've read the articles on how the results in the Strategy Tester are derived, but my question is what they really mean when picking a good EA. In other words, a great profit doesn't mean much if the drawdown wipes out the account before the profit is realized. While I know that this is somewhat of a subjective matter, can anyone tell me if there is a benchmark or acceptable level that one is looking to acheive in order to qualify an EA as "good" Thanks in advance for any help sent my way.

"live results" -- 100's

strat tester works on dead data - history and some tics not same as live - iow, demo and live data streams can be different. but demo FORWARD testing better than any type backtesting.

as u say, great profit + big drawdown = [most likely] jump out window...

live results that are consistent - boringly consistent... and - on average the ea can be 'trusted' to just continue turn handle 24/5

only live results over 100's live trades will give confidence. so many show tester results... BIG DEAL! - virtual profit on dead data - not mean squat.

tester may show MASSIVE results in all areas... ok, now put on 'forward' test and simply sit back and wait for 100's of trades to happen.

u got NO money... not world end - use demo BUT forward test much and get other broker demos and do MORE forward tests

ur question will then be answered simple - got real [demo,live] trade results in front of you.


we all want usd's NOW... we see cool price moves/trends that go on for seem like ever - we dream - we always want NOW


ea sellers see us comming - they know we bite...


so i see ur job as being 100% OBJECTIVE and forget ideas of NOW riches. or better still, bite bullet and sit at screen and trade manually - is riches that way for many...

ea attract cuz think just turn on, forget and make money.... Manual trading IS pain big time. IS like watching paint dry. Requires WORK... but - same old story is it not? - most only get wat put in to what doing...


IF u get good robot... well done!


but MUST be real - most never, ever make CONSISTENT profit... without giving u "trades of pain - without gain" :o)


enjoy ride!