Seeking [Off quotes] Error Explaination


Could someone please explain what the following error means:

14:14:29 '10140': instant order sell 0.10 GBPCAD at 1.9571 sl: 0.0000 tp: 0.0000
14:14:29 '10140': order sell 0.10 GBPCAD opening at 1.9571 sl: 0.0000 tp: 0.0000 failed [Off quotes]

How can I avoid this?


ERR_OFF_QUOTES 136 No quotes. The broker has not supplied with prices or refused, for any reason (for example, no prices at the session start, unconfirmed prices, fast market). After 5-second (or more) delay, it is necessary to refresh data using the RefreshRates function and make a retry.

"How can I avoid this?"

Try again, it says...

If you get this often, it may be a sign the Dealer doesn't want to play.


The problem is, in trying to make a hedge, I'm entering an order with a pair that is different than the pair being tracked by the graph. (sym3 != Symbol()). Am I correct in my understanding that RefreshRates() applies only to the pair displayed on the graph? The following code I've been trying to use just goes in an infinite loop of error #136:

ticket = -1;
while(ticket < 0) //Keep trying till order goes through
ask = MarketInfo(sym3,MODE_ASK);
ticket = OrderSend(sym3,OP_BUY,VOLUME,ask,SLIPPAGE,STOP_LOSS,TAKE_PROFIT,"Sell (Buy) order #3",203,0,Red);
bid = MarketInfo(sym3,MODE_BID);
ticket = OrderSend(sym3,OP_SELL,VOLUME,bid,SLIPPAGE,STOP_LOSS,TAKE_PROFIT,"Sell order #3",203,0,Red);
if(ticket < 0)
Print("OrderSend failed with error #",GetLastError());



Hmm... between your code and the error I don't see a problem.

Possibly the Dealer does not want to process GBPCAD orders... Can you open a trade on it manually?


Hmm... between your code and the error I don't see a problem.

Possibly the Dealer does not want to process GBPCAD orders... Can you open a trade on it manually?

No, I can't open trade orders manually for GBPCAD. I haven't had any trouble with any other pairs. Any idea why it doesn't like this pair?

Sometimes the off-the-wall pairs are not active... GBP-CAD is a synthetic of USDGBP and USDCAD.

Call the dealer...

Check the MarketInfo() values, some may apply...

MODE_TRADEALLOWED 22 Trade is allowed for the symbol.

Not sure if that gets updated or not, but I have seen pairs get turned on and off.

Thanks for your help!