How do I get a dll to call a dialog?


I want to create a windows style dialog to replace the extern variables properties window. I have little experience using visual c++ and I've been trying to figure this out for the last two weeks. I've read the example and most of this text book on visual C++. it covers MFC and DLL but this is obviously a deep topic. Could someone point me in the right direction or attach a simple dll project that calls a dialog.


"I have little experience using visual c++ and I've been trying to figure this out for the last two weeks."

According to the book title it will take seven more days.

Sams Teach Yourself Visual C++.NET in 21 Days (2nd Edition)


Ha ha ha I guess I’ll just wait for the pixie dust to be sprinkled over me. I could easily read thousands of pages of text before I fall upon out how to do this. Could someone tell me what I have to learn specifically to save me some time. I also have access to a few ebooks


I'm glad you laughed. I am an old time C programmer struggling (finally) with C++ trying to get my arms around the MBTrading SDK, along with the endless conventions to make it work under Windows. So far, it is just about incomprehensible.

I share your angst.

Maybe I should get a book.


I'm glad you laughed. I am an old time C programmer struggling (finally) with C++ trying to get my arms around the MBTrading SDK, along with the endless conventions to make it work under Windows. So far, it is just about incomprehensible.

I share your angst.

Maybe I should get a book.

I looked at the MBTrading SDK. It was a huge mess for me, as I only have the .net compiler and everything had to be translated, most of it wrongly apparently as it gave me a ton of compile errors. Interesting you are talking about MBTrading on a MQL4 forum. Do you feel that MB trading is a better broker than the MT4 brokers? I don't know how I feel about paying a commission to trade, even if there is virtually no spread. Personally I feel that Oanda is the best out there, and I like the fact that they have more volatility than most brokers, but a $600 fee per month to use their SDK is ridiculous. What are your thoughts, Phy?

MBT SDK is complex.

I have no compile errors, but don't have the whole Navigator running yet, problem with loading controls. I do have the
quotes sample running and doing useful work for me (with modification)

ECN better? That is a judgment call, but I think "you against the dealer" does not represent a level playing field. ECN
tends to be a little ragged around the edges, as liquidity comes and goes.

Spread is what you pay to enter a market order. I often (during busy time) Sell Ask and Buy bid, big spread is your friend then.

Oanda seems good, but the charts are useless (except on weekends) and they manipulate spread. They may be
the place to go if you are trying to "buy and hold", ie; carry trade.

Here's a foolish way to do it, pretty bad, but it may work.

Make an executable that displays the control, which executable gets the data for the control from a standard c++ dll, callable from MetaTrader.
So MT would call the dll, which will call the executable, whose data will be manipulated by MT via imported dll functions.
I have done something similar, with the difference the dll and executable were written in Dev-Pascal. The executable's purpose is to create a menu,
and the menu gets the elements thru dll functions directly from MT.