Converting Easy Language Code to MQL4


I have a show me study I used with Tradestation written in easy language that I am hoping someone could convert for use on this platform.

Thanks for any help,



[LegacyColorValue = true];

{ # PLDot }

PLDot( 0 ),
HLC_Avg( 0 ) ;

HLC_Avg = ( High + Low + Close ) / 3 ;
PLDot = Average( HLC_Avg, 3 )[1] ;

Plot1(PLDot,"PLDot") ;

{ # PLDotP }

HLC_Avg = ( High + Low + Close ) / 3 ;
PLDot = Average( HLC_Avg, 3 ) ;

Plot1[-1](PLDot,"PLDot") ;

Hello dismal,

From a coder's perspective, I think the best way to convert a language to any another language would be by having a pseudocode version of your code.

Flowcharts and pseudocode can help iron out the blueprint and logic of any code.

From a non-coder's perspective, well...LOL...asking for help would be the way to go.

If you are a non-coder, this probably doesn't answer your question.

But remember, understanding how the code works is the key.


here's something misc. I came across:


Maybe not easy since these languge is special for special purpose.


this is pldot as defined by drummond geometry. It is just 3-period simple moving average of price typical (h+l+c)/3 shifted forward 1.

double pldot=iMA(NULL,0,3,1,MODE_SMA,PRICE_TYPICAL,shift);