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Smart Trend Trading System MT5


Zunächst einmal ist es wichtig zu betonen, dass dieses Handelssystem ein Nicht-Repainting-, Nicht-Redrawing- und Nicht-Verzögerungsindikator ist, was es sowohl für manuelles als auch für automatisches Trading ideal macht.

Das "Smart Trend Trading System MT5" ist eine umfassende Handelslösung, die für neue und erfahrene Trader maßgeschneidert ist. Es kombiniert über 10 Premium-Indikatoren und bietet mehr als 7 robuste Handelsstrategien, was es zu einer vielseitigen Wahl für verschiedene Marktbedingungen macht.

Trendfolgestrategie: Bietet präzise Einstiegs- und Stop-Loss-Verwaltung, um Trends effektiv zu reiten.

Umkehrstrategie: Identifiziert potenzielle Trendumkehrungen und ermöglicht es den Händlern, von Seitwärtsmärkten zu profitieren.

Scalping-Strategie: Entwickelt für schnelles und genaues Day-Trading und kurzfristige Trades.

Stabilität: Alle Indikatoren sind nicht repainting, nicht redrawing und nicht verzögernd, was zuverlässige Signale gewährleistet.

Anpassung: Unterstützt benutzerdefinierte Strategien, um individuellen Handelspräferenzen gerecht zu werden. Mehr als 7 Strategien und Kombinationen helfen Ihnen, Ihre beste Strategie zu finden.

Signal-Klarheit: Bietet Pfeilsignale für klare Ein- und Ausstiegspunkte.

Echtzeit-Benachrichtigungen: Hält Trader mit Handelseinstiegs- und Ausstiegsbenachrichtigungen auf dem Laufenden.

Tiefgreifende Analyse: Bietet Trendanalysen auf höheren Zeithorizonten und Live-Handelsüberwachung.

Adaptive Farbcodierung: Nutzt Farbcodierung für Volumen, Trend und Umkehrkerzen-Signale. Analysieren Sie die Marktrichtung anhand der Farben der Kerzen.

Das "Smart Trend Trading System MT5" bietet Händlern die Tools, die sie benötigen, um fundierte und strategische Handelsentscheidungen in einer Vielzahl von Marktbedingungen zu treffen. Navigieren Sie mit Zuversicht durch die Komplexitäten des Devisenmarktes, unabhängig von seinem aktuellen Zustand. Dieses System zeichnet sich durch vielseitige Strategien für sowohl trendige als auch seitwärtsgerichtete Marktbedingungen aus und gewährleistet, dass Trader in jeder Marktsituation fundierte Entscheidungen treffen können. Mit dem intelligenten Trendhandelssystem können Sie in jedem Marktzustand handeln:

In einem trendigen Markt: Das System hilft Ihnen dabei, den Trend zu identifizieren, betont Rücksetzer und gibt präzise Einträge mit SL-Platzierung und Trailing-Stop-Option.

In einem seitwärtsgerichteten Markt: Das System hilft Ihnen dabei, eine Spanne zu identifizieren und bietet Ihnen solide Signale, wenn der Preis von den Spannenlevels abgelehnt wird.

Das Smart Trend Trading System ist ein umfassender und anspruchsvoller Ansatz für den Devisenhandel, der eine Kombination aus sorgfältig ausgewählten Indikatoren verwendet, um Markttrends und potenzielle Trendumkehrungen zu identifizieren und zu nutzen. Dieses System nutzt ein Ensemble von Indikatoren, darunter den Trend Breakout Catcher, Smart Trailing Stop, Smart Cloud, Smart Reversal Zones und Multi-Timeframe Trend Finder, die alle harmonisch zusammenarbeiten, um den Händlern ein robustes und vielseitiges Toolkit bereitzustellen.

Das Grundprinzip des Smart Trend Trading Systems besteht darin, Preisbewegungen und Marktbedingungen aus mehreren Blickwinkeln zu analysieren, um einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf die Marktdynamik zu gewährleisten. Der Trend Breakout Catcher identifiziert Ausbruchspunkte, die das Aufkommen neuer Trends signalisieren und es den Händlern ermöglichen, frühzeitig in die Entwicklung des Trends einzusteigen. Der Smart Trailing Stop hilft den Händlern, ihre Trades zu verwalten, indem er Stop-Loss-Levels dynamisch an die Stärke des Trends anpasst, wodurch das Risiko minimiert und das Potenzial maximiert wird.

Der Smart Cloud-Indikator bietet eine visuelle Darstellung von Trends, indem er eine Wolke über oder unter dem Preisdiagramm bildet. Wenn der Preis über der Wolke liegt, signalisiert dies einen Aufwärtstrend, und wenn er darunter liegt, einen Abwärtstrend. Dies vereinfacht die Trendidentifikation und bestätigt Handelsentscheidungen. Die Smart Reversal Zones identifizieren potenzielle Wendepunkte auf dem Markt und geben den Händlern frühzeitig Hinweise auf mögliche Trendumkehrungen während Rücksetzer.

Der Multi-Timeframe Trend Finder fügt eine zusätzliche Ebene der Raffinesse hinzu, indem er Trends über mehrere Zeithorizonte analysiert und so ein umfassenderes Verständnis der Marktrichtung bietet. Dieser kollektive Ansatz ermöglicht es den Händlern, mit einem hohen Maß an Vertrauen zu handeln, falsche Signale zu minimieren und die Handelswahrscheinlichkeiten zu verbessern.

Zusammenfassend ist das Smart Trend Trading System eine sorgfältig ausgearbeitete Methodik, die die Kraft fortschrittlicher Indikatoren nutzt, um den Händlern eine genaue Trendidentifikation, präzise Ein- und Ausstiegspunkte und effektive Risikomanagementtechniken zu bieten. Durch die Nutzung dieses umfassenden Systems können Trader potenziell eine Konsistenz auf dem dynamischen Devisenmarkt erreichen.


  • Nicht-Repainting-, Nicht-Redrawing- und Nicht-Verzögerungsindikatoren
  • Maximale Aktivierungen
  • 7+ Strategien
  • 10 Indikatoren in einem
  • Day- und Swing-Trading-Strategien
  • Trendfolge-, Umkehr- und Scalping-Strategien
  • Benutzerdefinierte Strategien
  • Strategien für Eigenhandelsgesellschaften
  • Ein- und Ausstiegspunkte und Pfeile
  • Benachrichtigungen per Telefon und E-Mail
  • MTF-Analyse
  • Unterstützung und Widerstand
  • Umkehrzonen
  • Trailing Stop
  • Farbcodierung für Volumen, Trend und Umkehrkerzen
  • Kerzen-Timer und Spread-Limit-Indikatoren


  • Währungen und Paare: EURUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD, XAUUSD...
  • Zeitrahmen: M5, M30, H1.
  • Kontotypen: Jedes ECN, Konto mit niedrigem Spread.

Bewertungen 45
Takashi Ohtaku
Takashi Ohtaku 2024.05.08 11:12 

The support was courteous. However, I would like them to add some ideas to the indicator to reduce unnecessary entries so that I can perform the same trades as issam.

The Ai Trader
The Ai Trader 2024.05.07 23:10 

Have heard the Indicator for 2 months I think , Talked to Issam and he sent me the set files on all three strategies . The Indicator is perfect , I switched the smoothening to 4 and sensitivity 1 , m4 and m10 both scalping and trend and I have had 7/10 trades in a day and around 14/6 in a month , it’s a good indicator as long as you have a good rr and fix tp . I give it a 5 star ⭐️ 🌟, only thing issam can do is the candles , if it’s possible to have purple candles or no color candles on a sideways market to reduce false signals or noise and green or red candles to show trend break or scalping . Kudos

An Dy
An Dy 2024.03.25 19:23 

I recently purchased the "Smart Trend Trading System MT5" and I must say, it has exceeded my expectations. The system's ability to identify trends accurately and provide timely signals has greatly improved my trading performance. The indicators are easy to understand and implement, even for someone relatively new to trading. The comprehensive analysis it offers has helped me make more informed decisions, resulting in profitable trades. Overall, I highly recommend the "Smart Trend Trading System MT5" to anyone looking to enhance their trading strategy. Issam Kassas is always available and responds promptly. Best Regards from Switzerland

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Käufer dieses Produkts erwarben auch
Roman Podpora
4.57 (14)
TPSpro TREND PRO   ist ein Trendindikator, der den Markt automatisch analysiert und Informationen über den Trend und jede seiner Änderungen liefert sowie Signale für den Einstieg in Geschäfte ohne Neuzeichnung gibt! Der Indikator verwendet jede Kerze und analysiert sie separat. bezieht sich auf verschiedene Impulse – Aufwärts- oder Abwärtsimpuls. Exakte Einstiegspunkte in Transaktionen für Währungen, Krypto, Metalle, Aktien, Indizes! Version MT5                   VOLLSTÄNDIGE BESCHREIBUNG DES IN
TPSpro RFI Levels MT5
Roman Podpora
4.71 (17)
ANWEISUNGEN       Russland       -        ENG    Die Empfehlung basiert auf dem Indikator -   TPSpro   TREND PRO -   Version MT5 Die wichtigsten Elemente in der Branche sind entweder in Zonen oder in der Fabrik enthalten, oder sie führen zu einer Lösung bei einem Kauf oder dem Verkauf eines anderen Instruments. Wenn viele Menschen ihre Rechte nicht auf dem Händlerkonto verschlüsseln, werden die Folgen nicht schnell genug sein. Ich habe es damit abgeschlossen, dass ich diese Folgen nun noch inter
Dies ist ein Indikator für MT5, der genaue Signale für den Einstieg in einen Handel ohne Repainting (Neuzeichnen) liefert. Er kann auf alle Finanzwerte angewendet werden: Forex, Kryptowährungen, Metalle, Aktien, Indizes. Er liefert ziemlich genaue Schätzungen und sagt Ihnen, wann es am besten ist, eine Position zu eröffnen und zu schließen. Sehen Sie sich das Video (6:22) mit einem Beispiel für die Verarbeitung nur eines Signals an, das sich für den Indikator gelohnt hat! Die meisten Händler ver
Quantum TrendPulse
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
5 (9)
Wir stellen   Quantum TrendPulse   vor, das ultimative Handelstool, das die Leistung von   SuperTrend   ,   RSI   und   Stochastic   in einem umfassenden Indikator vereint, um Ihr Handelspotenzial zu maximieren. Dieser Indikator wurde für Händler entwickelt, die Präzision und Effizienz suchen, und hilft Ihnen dabei, Markttrends, Momentumverschiebungen und optimale Ein- und Ausstiegspunkte sicher zu erkennen. Hauptmerkmale: SuperTrend-Integration:   Folgen Sie problemlos dem vorherrschenden Markt
Jetzt 147 US -Dollar (nach ein paar Aktualisierungen auf 499 US -Dollar) - Unbegrenzte Konten (PCs oder MACs) RelicusRoad Benutzerhandbuch + Schulungsvideos + Zugang zur privaten Discord-Gruppe + VIP-Status EINE NEUE ART, DEN MARKT ZU BETRACHTEN RelicusRoad ist der weltweit leistungsstärkste Handelsindikator für Forex, Futures, Kryptowährungen, Aktien und Indizes und gibt Händlern alle Informationen und Tools, die sie benötigen, um profitabel zu bleiben. Wir bieten technische Analysen und Ha
Stefano Frisetti
note: this indicator is for METATRADER4, if you want the version for METATRADER5 this is the link:  https://www.mql5.com/it/market/product/108106 TRENDMAESTRO ver 2.4 TRENDMAESTRO recognizes a new TREND in the bud, he never makes mistakes. The certainty of identifying a new TREND is priceless. DESCRIPTION TRENDMAESTRO identifies a new TREND in the bud, this indicator examines the volatility, volumes and momentum to identify the moment in which there is an explosion of one or more of these data a
Trend Forecaster
Alexey Minkov
5 (6)
!SPECIAL SALE!  The Trend Forecaster indicator utilizes a unique proprietary algorithm to determine entry points for a breakout trading strategy. The indicator identifies price clusters, analyzes price movement near levels, and provides a signal when the price breaks through a level. The Trend Forecaster indicator is suitable for all financial assets, including currencies (Forex), metals, stocks, indices, and cryptocurrencies. You can also adjust the indicator to work on any time frames, althoug
Was: $249  Now: $149   Market Profile defines a number of day types that can help the trader to determine market behaviour. A key feature is the Value Area, representing the range of price action where 70% of trading took place. Understanding the Value Area can give traders valuable insight into market direction and establish the higher odds trade. It is an excellent addition to any system you may be using. Inspired by Jim Dalton’s book “Mind Over Markets”, this indicator is designed to suit the
Blahtech Supply Demand MT5
Blahtech Limited
4.54 (13)
Was: $299  Now: $149  Supply Demand uses previous price action to identify potential imbalances between buyers and sellers. The key is to identify the better odds zones, not just the untouched ones. Blahtech Supply Demand indicator delivers functionality previously unavailable on any trading platform. This 4-in-1 indicator not only highlights the higher probability zones using a multi-criteria strength engine, but also combines it with multi-timeframe trend analysis, previously confirmed swings
Dies ist wahrscheinlich der vollständigste Indikator für die automatische Erkennung der harmonischen Preisbildung, den Sie für die MetaTrader-Plattform finden können. Es erkennt 19 verschiedene Muster, nimmt Fibonacci-Projektionen genauso ernst wie Sie, zeigt die potenzielle Umkehrzone (PRZ) an und findet geeignete Stop-Loss- und Take-Profit-Werte. [ Installationsanleitung | Update-Anleitung | Fehlerbehebung | FAQ | Alle Produkte ] Es erkennt 19 verschiedene harmonische Preisbildungen Darges
BESCHREIBUNG ICSM (Impulse-Correction SCOB Mapper) ist ein Indikator, der die Preisbewegung analysiert und gültige Impulse, Korrekturen und SCOBs (Single Candle Order Block) identifiziert. Es ist ein leistungsstarkes Werkzeug, das mit jeder Art von technischer Analyse verwendet werden kann, da es flexibel, informativ und einfach zu bedienen ist und das Bewusstsein des Händlers für die liquidesten Interessenzonen erheblich verbessert. EINSTELLUNGEN Allgemein | Visuals Farbthema — definiert d
Der Forex TPA Indikator deckt die wahren Aktionen der Marktmacher auf, immer dann wenn sie passieren. "Kämpfe nicht gegen die Marktmacher an, sondern folge ihnen", ist wohl der beste Rat, den ein Trader bekommen kann. Der TPA Indikator zeigt jedesmal seine Signale an wenn die Bullen definitiv stärker sind als die Bären und umgekehrt. Dieser Indikator wurde VON Tradern FÜR Trader gemacht und ist 100% NICHT NACHZEICHNEND! Signale werden STRENG am Schluss einer Kerze  generiert. Das sagen unsere Ku
Volume by Price MT5
Brian Collard
3.25 (4)
The Volume by Price Indicator for MetaTrader 5 features Volume Profile and Market Profile TPO (Time Price Opportunity). Volume and TPO histogram bar and line charts. Volume Footprint charts. TPO letter and block marker collapsed and split structure charts. Static, dynamic and flexible range segmentation and compositing methods with relative and absolute visualizations. Session hours filtering and segment concatenation with Market Watch and custom user specifications. Graphical layering, positio
MetaForecast M5
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
5 (2)
MetaForecast prognostiziert und visualisiert die Zukunft eines beliebigen Marktes basierend auf den Harmonien in den Preisdaten. Obwohl der Markt nicht immer vorhersehbar ist, kann MetaForecast, wenn es ein Muster im Preis gibt, die Zukunft so genau wie möglich voraussagen. Im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Produkten kann MetaForecast durch die Analyse von Markttrends genauere Ergebnisse erzeugen. Eingabeparameter Past size (Vergangene Größe) Gibt an, wie viele Balken MetaForecast verwendet, um ein Mod
Wir stellen vor       Quantum Breakout PRO   , der bahnbrechende MQL5-Indikator, der die Art und Weise, wie Sie mit Breakout-Zonen handeln, verändert! Entwickelt von einem Team erfahrener Händler mit über 13 Jahren Handelserfahrung,       Quantum Breakout PRO       ist darauf ausgelegt, Ihre Handelsreise mit seiner innovativen und dynamischen Breakout-Zone-Strategie auf ein neues Niveau zu heben. Der Quantum Breakout Indicator zeigt Ihnen Signalpfeile auf Breakout-Zonen mit 5 Gewinnzielzonen u
Berma Bands
Muhammad Elbermawi
5 (3)
The Berma Bands (BBs) indicator is a valuable tool for traders seeking to identify and capitalize on market trends. By analyzing the relationship between the price and the BBs, traders can discern whether a market is in a trending or ranging phase. Berma Bands are composed of three distinct lines: the Upper Berma Band, the Middle Berma Band, and the Lower Berma Band. These lines are plotted around the price, creating a visual representation of the price movement relative to the overall trend. T
Shiv Raj Kumawat
WHY IS OUR FXACCCURATE LS MT5 THE PROFITABLE ? PROTECT YOUR CAPITAL WITH RISK MANAGEMENT Gives entry, stop and target levels from time to time. It finds Trading opportunities by analyzing what the price is doing during established trends. POWERFUL INDICATOR FOR A RELIABLE STRATEGIES We have made these indicators with a lot of years of hard work. It is made at a very advanced level. Established trends provide dozens of trading opportunities, but most trend indicators completely ignore them! The
Introduction to Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner The present state of Forex market can go through many different possible price paths to reach its future destination. Future is dynamic. Therefore, planning your trade with possible future scenario is an important step for your success. To meet such a powerful concept, we introduce the Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner, the first predictive Harmonic Pattern Tool in the world among its kind. Main Features Predicting future patterns for scenario
Quantum Trend Sniper
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.73 (51)
Wir stellen vor       Quantum Trend Sniper Indicator   , der bahnbrechende MQL5-Indikator, der die Art und Weise, wie Sie Trendumkehrungen erkennen und handeln, verändert! Entwickelt von einem Team erfahrener Händler mit über 13 Jahren Handelserfahrung,       Quantum Trend Sniper-Indikator       wurde entwickelt, um Ihre Trading-Reise mit seiner innovativen Methode zur Identifizierung von Trendumkehrungen mit extrem hoher Genauigkeit auf ein neues Niveau zu heben. ***Kaufe Quantum Trend Sniper
MetaBands M5
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
4.5 (2)
MetaBands verwendet leistungsstarke und einzigartige Algorithmen, um Kanäle zu zeichnen und Trends zu erkennen, sodass es Tradern potenzielle Punkte für den Einstieg und Ausstieg aus Trades bieten kann. Es ist ein Kanalindikator sowie ein leistungsstarker Trendindikator. Es umfasst verschiedene Arten von Kanälen, die einfach durch Verwendung der Eingabeparameter zusammengeführt werden können. MetaBands verwendet alle Arten von Warnmeldungen, um Benutzer über Marktereignisse zu informieren. Funkt
Royal Scalping Indicator M5
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
5 (6)
Royal Scalping Indicator is an advanced price adaptive indicator designed to generate high-quality trading signals. Built-in multi-timeframe and multi-currency capabilities make it even more powerful to have configurations based on different symbols and timeframes. This indicator is perfect for scalp trades as well as swing trades. Royal Scalping is not just an indicator, but a trading strategy itself. Features Price Adaptive Trend Detector Algorithm Multi-Timeframe and Multi-Currency Trend Low
Der Gann Square Indikator ist ein leistungsstolles Marktanalyse-Tool, das auf dem Artikel "Mathematische Formel für Marktvorhersagen" von W.D. Gann basiert. Dieses Tool verwendet mathematische Konzepte und Gann-Theorien für eine präzise Marktanalyse. Es beinhaltet Quadratwerte von 144, 90, 52 und auch das Quadrat von 9. Darüber hinaus integriert es die Methode von  zur Quadratwurzel von 9 und deren Beziehung zu Kanälen und dem Sternmuster. Benutzerhandbuch und Anwendung: Vor der Verwendung diese
Seconds Charts
Aleksandr Goryachev
Micro  ******************* Секундные графики MT5 ********************** Более точного инструмента для входа в сделку вы не найдёте. Входные параметры: Timeframe, sek - период построения графика, секунды Displayed bars - отображаемые бары Step of price levels, pp, 0-off - шаг отрисовки ценовых уровней, пункты Scale points per bar, 0-off - масштаб в пунктах на бар Show lines - отображение текущих уровней Show comment - отображение комментария Standard color scheme - стандартная цветовая сх
Gartley Hunter Multi
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (9)
Gartley Hunter Multi - An indicator for searching for harmonic patterns simultaneously on dozens of trading instruments and on all possible timeframes. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT4 Advantages 1. Patterns: Gartley, Butterfly, Shark, Crab. Bat, Alternate Bat, Deep Crab, Cypher 2. Simultaneous search for patterns on dozens of trading instruments and on all possible timeframes 3. Search for patterns of all possible sizes. From the smallest to the largest 4. All fou
Royal Wave Pro M5
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
3.5 (4)
Royal Wave is a Trend-Power oscillator which has been programmed to locate and signal low-risk entry and exit zones. Its core algorithm statistically analyzes the market and generates trading signals for overbought, oversold and low volatile areas. By using a well-designed alerting system, this indicator makes it easier to make proper decisions regarding where to enter and where to exit trades. Features Trend-Power Algorithm Low risk Entry Zones and Exit Zones Predictions for Overbought and Over
Big Player Range
Thalles Nascimento De Carvalho
5 (2)
Die Macht von "BigPlayerRange" entdecken: Ihr starker Verbündeter in der technischen Marktanalyse BigPlayerRange ist ein fortschrittliches technisches Analysetool, das dazu entwickelt wurde, institutionelle Interessensbereiche im Markt aufzudecken. Mit diesem leistungsstarken Werkzeug können Sie präzise feststellen, wo große Marktteilnehmer aktiv sind, und Ihre Handelsstrategien entsprechend verbessern. Hauptmerkmale: Kartierung institutioneller Interessensbereiche : BigPlayerRange hebt Z
Weis Wave with Alert MT5
Trade The Volume Waves Single Member P.C.
4.94 (16)
Rental/Lifetime Package Options and Privileges  Rent Monthly Six Months   Yearly/Lifetime Weis Wave with Speed with Alert+Speed Index x x x Manual  x x x Quick Set up Video x x x Blog x x x Lifetime Updates x x x Setup and Training Material x x Discord Access Channel "The SI traders"          x Rectangle Break Alert Tool      x How to trade with it:    http://www.tradethevolumewaves.com   ** If you purchase please contact me to setup your  : Two hour  webinar and  training Room and  complet
Mega Spikes Max
Niccyril Chirindo
5 (1)
Are you tired of missing out on the biggest opportunities in Boom and Crash trading? Mega Spikes Max is your ultimate tool for dominating the markets, giving you the precision and confidence you need to succeed. Why Choose Mega Spikes Max? Stay Ahead with Real-Time Alerts Never miss a profitable trade again. Get instant notifications directly to your mobile or desktop when a spike is imminent, even if you're away from your screen. Accurate Spike Detection Engineered for pinpoint accuracy, Me
PZ Trend Trading MT5
3.8 (5)
Trend Trading ist ein Indikator, der so weit wie möglich von den Markttrends profitiert, indem er Pullbacks und Breakouts zeitlich festlegt. Sie findet Handelsmöglichkeiten, indem sie analysiert, was der Preis während etablierter Trends tut. [ Installationsanleitung | Update-Anleitung | Fehlerbehebung | FAQ | Alle Produkte ] Handeln Sie mit Zuversicht und Effizienz an den Finanzmärkten Profitieren Sie von etablierten Trends, ohne ins Wanken zu geraten Profitable Pullbacks, Ausbrüche und vorze
Advanced Supply Demand MT5
Bernhard Schweigert
4.5 (14)
Derzeit 33% Rabatt! Die beste Lösung für jeden Anfänger oder erfahrenen Händler! Dieser Indikator ist ein einzigartiges, qualitativ hochwertiges und erschwingliches Trading-Tool, da wir eine Reihe von proprietären Funktionen und eine neue Formel integriert haben. Mit diesem Update werden Sie in der Lage sein, doppelte Zeitrahmenzonen anzuzeigen. Sie können nicht nur einen höheren TF (Zeitrahmen) anzeigen, sondern sowohl den Chart-TF als auch den höheren TF: SHOWING NESTED ZONES. Alle Supply Dema
Weitere Produkte dieses Autors
Zunächst einmal ist es wichtig zu betonen, dass dieses Handelstool ein Nicht-Repaint-, Nicht-Redraw- und Nicht-Verzögerungsindikator ist, was es ideal für professionelles Trading macht. Online-Kurs, Benutzerhandbuch und Demo. Der Smart Price Action Concepts Indikator ist ein sehr leistungsstarkes Werkzeug sowohl für neue als auch erfahrene Händler. Er vereint mehr als 20 nützliche Indikatoren in einem und kombiniert fortgeschrittene Handelsideen wie die Analyse des Inner Circle Traders und Str
Der Trendfänger: Die Strategie des Trendfängers mit Alarmindikator ist ein vielseitiges technisches Analysewerkzeug, das Händlern hilft, Markttrends und potenzielle Ein- und Ausstiegspunkte zu identifizieren. Sie verfügt über eine dynamische Trendfängerstrategie, die sich den Marktbedingungen anpasst, um eine klare visuelle Darstellung der Trendrichtung zu ermöglichen. Händler können die Parameter an ihre Vorlieben und Risikotoleranz anpassen. Der Indikator hilft bei der Trendidentifikation, s
Der Unterstützungs- und Widerstandsniveaufinder: Der Unterstützungs- und Widerstandsniveaufinder ist ein fortschrittliches Werkzeug, das dazu entwickelt wurde, die technische Analyse beim Handel zu verbessern. Mit dynamischen Unterstützungs- und Widerstandsniveaus passt er sich in Echtzeit an, während sich neue Schlüsselpunkte im Chart entfalten, und bietet so eine dynamische und reaktionsschnelle Analyse. Seine einzigartige Multi-Zeitrahmen-Fähigkeit ermöglicht es Benutzern, Unterstützungs- u
Handelspositionen und Backtesting-Tool: Das "Handelspositions- und Backtesting-Tool", auch bekannt als "Risiko-Rendite-Verhältnis-Tool", ist ein umfassender und innovativer Indikator, der entwickelt wurde, um Ihre technische Analyse und Handelsstrategien zu verbessern. Das Risikotool ist eine umfassende und benutzerfreundliche Lösung für effektives Risikomanagement im Devisenhandel. Mit der Möglichkeit, Handelspositionen einschließlich des Einstiegspreises, des Stop-Loss (SL) und des Take-Prof
Der Trading-Sessions-Zeitindikator: Der "Trading-Sessions-Zeitindikator" ist ein leistungsstarkes technisches Analysetool, das entwickelt wurde, um Ihr Verständnis der verschiedenen Handelssitzungen auf dem Devisenmarkt zu verbessern. Dieser nahtlos integrierte Indikator liefert wichtige Informationen über die Öffnungs- und Schließzeiten der Haupt-Handelssitzungen, einschließlich Tokio, London und New York. Mit automatischer Zeitzonenanpassung richtet er sich weltweit an Trader und hilft ihnen
Der Unterstützungs- und Widerstandsniveaufinder: Der Unterstützungs- und Widerstandsniveaufinder ist ein fortschrittliches Werkzeug, das dazu entwickelt wurde, die technische Analyse beim Handel zu verbessern. Mit dynamischen Unterstützungs- und Widerstandsniveaus passt er sich in Echtzeit an, während sich neue Schlüsselpunkte im Chart entfalten, und bietet so eine dynamische und reaktionsschnelle Analyse. Seine einzigartige Multi-Zeitrahmen-Fähigkeit ermöglicht es Benutzern, Unterstützungs- u
Der Trading-Sessions-Zeitindikator: Der "Trading-Sessions-Zeitindikator" ist ein leistungsstarkes technisches Analysetool, das entwickelt wurde, um Ihr Verständnis der verschiedenen Handelssitzungen auf dem Devisenmarkt zu verbessern. Dieser nahtlos integrierte Indikator liefert wichtige Informationen über die Öffnungs- und Schließzeiten der Haupt-Handelssitzungen, einschließlich Tokio, London und New York. Mit automatischer Zeitzonenanpassung richtet er sich weltweit an Trader und hilft ihnen
Handelspositionen und Backtesting-Tool: Das "Handelspositions- und Backtesting-Tool", auch bekannt als "Risiko-Rendite-Verhältnis-Tool", ist ein umfassender und innovativer Indikator, der entwickelt wurde, um Ihre technische Analyse und Handelsstrategien zu verbessern. Das Risikotool ist eine umfassende und benutzerfreundliche Lösung für effektives Risikomanagement im Devisenhandel. Mit der Möglichkeit, Handelspositionen einschließlich des Einstiegspreises, des Stop-Loss (SL) und des Take-Prof
Get FREE Advanced Online Course and Learn About Our Advanced Trading System, Link in the Bio!  Click Here.  Our Mission and Vision:   Why Am I Even Here?    Here is The Deal Brother, We Offer:Premium Quality Indicators: The Highest Quality Possible Algorithms. Unlimited Activations: Can be used on Unlimited number of Computers, MT4s and MT5s for lifetime. Inexpensive Prices: 30$ is the lowest price possible, Knowing that more than 50% of our Indicators are 100% FREE. But Why Am I telling You th
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The "Currency Strength Meter Strategy" Indicator is a cutting-edge technical analysis tool that offers traders a unique perspective on the forex market. By analyzing the relative strength of different currencies, this indicator provides valuable insights into the market's dynamics, allowing traders to make informed decisions. Understanding Curren
Description:  The Range Breakout Catcher Indicator is a powerful tool known for its non-repainting, non-redrawing, and non-lagging capabilities, making it suitable for both manual and robot trading. This indicator utilizes a smart algorithm to calculate ranges and generate early signals for Buy and Sell positions at the breakout of these ranges, facilitating the capture of trends during ranging consolidations. The range calculation involves a comprehensive system based on various elements, prov
Description:  The "Trend Finder Multi Time Frames multi pairs" indicator is a new technical analysis tool designed to assist traders in identifying and confirming trends across multiple timeframes and multiple pairs at the same time. By combining the strengths of various timeframes, this indicator offers a comprehensive view of the market's direction, helping traders make more informed decisions. Features: Multi-Timeframe Analysis: The indicator analyzes trends on different timeframes (e.g., M1
Description:  The "ABC Pattern Strategy With Fibonacci" Indicator is a sophisticated technical analysis tool meticulously designed to recognize and leverage the power of the ABC chart patterns in combination with Fibonacci levels. This cutting-edge strategy empowers traders to make well-informed decisions in the dynamic forex market. By making spotting ABC patterns on price charts an easy task, the indicator offers insights into potential trend reversals or continuations. It seamlessly incorpora
Get FREE Advanced Online Course and Learn About Our Advanced Trading System, Link in the Bio!  Click Here.  Our Mission and Vision:   Why Am I Even Here? Here is The Deal Brother, We Offer:Premium Quality Indicators: The Highest Quality Possible Algorithms. Unlimited Activations: Can be used on Unlimited number of Computers, MT4s and MT5s for lifetime. Inexpensive Prices: 30$ is the lowest price possible, Knowing that more than 50% of our Indicators are 100% FREE. But Why Am I telling You this?
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The "Moving Average Lines Crossover with Alert" is a valuable technical analysis tool designed to help traders identify potential trend reversals and trading opportunities. Seamlessly integrated into your trading platform, this indicator empowers you with essential data to make well-informed trading decisions. Spot Trend Reversals: Utilize the pow
Show TP and SL Values
Issam Kassas
4.56 (9)
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The "Show TP and SL Values" Indicator is a valuable technical analysis tool designed to enhance your trading experience by displaying the  (TP) and  (SL) levels directly on your chart. This simple yet effective tool provides traders with crucial information, allowing for better decision-making and risk management. Key Features: TP and SL Display:
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The "Show TP and SL Values" Indicator is a valuable technical analysis tool designed to enhance your trading experience by displaying the  (TP) and  (SL) levels directly on your chart. This simple yet effective tool provides traders with crucial information, allowing for better decision-making and risk management. Key Features: TP and SL Display:
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The Moving Average 5EMA Indicator is a valuable tool designed to provide comprehensive insights into market trends and potential entry and exit points. It incorporates five exponential moving average (EMA) lines, each representing the average price over different periods. This powerful combination offers a deeper understanding of price movements a
Price Alert Panel MT4
Issam Kassas
4.75 (12)
Get FREE Advanced Online Course and Learn About Our Advanced Trading System, Link in the Bio!  Click Here.  Our Mission and Vision: Why Am I Even Here?Here is The Deal Brother, We Offer: Premium Quality Indicators: The Highest Quality Possible Algorithms. Unlimited Activations: Can be used on Unlimited number of Computers, MT4s and MT5s for lifetime. Inexpensive Prices: 30$ is the lowest price possible, Knowing that more than 50% of our Indicators are 100% FREE. But Why Am I telling You this?
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The "High Spread Alert" Indicator is a valuable tool for traders, providing real-time information about spread fluctuations in the forex market. As a technical analysis tool, it helps traders make informed decisions by alerting them to periods of high spread, which can impact trading conditions and execution. Key Features: Spread Monitoring: The i
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The "High Spread Alert" Indicator is a valuable tool for traders, providing real-time information about spread fluctuations in the forex market. As a technical analysis tool, it helps traders make informed decisions by alerting them to periods of high spread, which can impact trading conditions and execution. Key Features: Spread Monitoring: The
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The "VWAP Indicator Strategy" is a cutting-edge technical analysis tool designed to provide traders with a competitive advantage in the financial markets. By incorporating the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) indicator, this tool offers valuable insights into market trends, price levels, and potential turning points. Understanding the VWAP Ind
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The "Live Account Statistics" Indicator is a powerful technical analysis tool that provides real-time insights into the performance of your trading account. With this indispensable tool, you can access crucial account statistics, such as balance, equity, drawdown, and more, allowing you to make data-driven trading decisions. Key Features: Real-Ti
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The "VWAP Indicator Strategy" is a cutting-edge technical analysis tool designed to provide traders with a competitive advantage in the financial markets. By incorporating the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) indicator, this tool offers valuable insights into market trends, price levels, and potential turning points. Understanding the VWAP Ind
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The "Candlestick Pattern Finder with Alerts and Hide Button" is a sophisticated technical analysis tool designed to elevate your trading experience by identifying key candlestick patterns in the market. This powerful indicator offers valuable insights into price action, enabling you to make well-informed trading decisions. Unlock Candlestick Insi
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The "MACD Crossover with Alert and Button" is a valuable technical analysis tool designed to help traders spot potential trend changes and trading opportunities in the market. This indicator provides essential insights into the market's momentum, enabling you to make well-informed trading decisions. Master the MACD Indicator: The Moving Average Co
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The "Moving Average Lines Crossover with Alert" is a valuable technical analysis tool designed to help traders identify potential trend reversals and trading opportunities. Seamlessly integrated into your trading platform, this indicator empowers you with essential data to make well-informed trading decisions. Spot Trend Reversals: Utilize the po
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The Moving Average Cross Price Alert Indicator is a technical tool designed to simplify your trading decisions. With a single moving average line, this indicator effectively identifies trend changes and potential trade opportunities. Its core function is to provide real-time alerts when the price crosses above or below the moving average line, sig
Description:  The "Trend Finder Multi Time Frames multi pairs" indicator is a new technical analysis tool designed to assist traders in identifying and confirming trends across multiple timeframes and multiple pairs at the same time. By combining the strengths of various timeframes, this indicator offers a comprehensive view of the market's direction, helping traders make more informed decisions. Features: Multi-Timeframe Analysis: The indicator analyzes trends on different timeframes (e.g., M1
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The RSI Cross Alert Indicator is a powerful technical analysis tool designed to assist traders in identifying potential trend reversals and generating timely buy or sell signals. This user-friendly indicator is suitable for both novice and experienced traders, providing valuable insights into market trends and price movements. Key Features: - RSI
Pucio777 2025.01.22 15:16 

I am satisfied with this system. This is my second product I have purchased here. It is a great help in determining the trend.

Ricardo Oliviere
Ricardo Oliviere 2024.10.02 17:28 

Unfortunately, the indicator is useless, it only works on past charts, there is a lot of delay and the signals only appear after the movement has already passed, as can be seen in the video below.

Issam Kassas
Antwort vom Entwickler Issam Kassas 2024.10.03 15:04
I dont think that there is any delay as I told you before if you will compare two charts one with the indicator attached and one with out then It must be the same chart and same instrument.
you are comparing WIN24 and WIN$ and these are totally different instruments and ofc they will show different candles.
This Indicator have been in the market for years now and traders from all over the world use it with out any issues.
abed khajh
abed khajh 2024.08.07 09:03 

I have been working with this indicator in Live Market for about 1 month I do not recommend buying at all This indicator only works well in the past market And you cannot trade with it in the live market Good luck This indicator is just a simple cloud of Ichi Moko that you can create yourself for free

Issam Kassas
Antwort vom Entwickler Issam Kassas 2024.08.12 20:58
Sorry to hear about your experience and sorry to hear that the STTS does not suit your trading style! I will be happy to help you with anything you want!
The Indicator shows past data as it had happened, in order to take advantage of the tool you need to watch the online course fully and study the strategies and master them! thats the best advice i always give to the users, and most of them have a good experience with the tool and give a good feedback.
I am not sure what do you mean by you can not trade on live market: all you have to do is attach it to the chart and it will work on live charts just fine.
This Indicator is not a simple cloud its a complex algorithm with more then 10 indicator all in one but again knowing how to use this tool is very important.
This is a one of kind in the whole market and many users have been using it successfully on daily basis since it was launched!
Pls reach out to me with any questions I will be super happy to help all the time.
Thank you for your feedback!
Takashi Ohtaku
Takashi Ohtaku 2024.05.08 11:12 

The support was courteous. However, I would like them to add some ideas to the indicator to reduce unnecessary entries so that I can perform the same trades as issam.

The Ai Trader
The Ai Trader 2024.05.07 23:10 

Have heard the Indicator for 2 months I think , Talked to Issam and he sent me the set files on all three strategies . The Indicator is perfect , I switched the smoothening to 4 and sensitivity 1 , m4 and m10 both scalping and trend and I have had 7/10 trades in a day and around 14/6 in a month , it’s a good indicator as long as you have a good rr and fix tp . I give it a 5 star ⭐️ 🌟, only thing issam can do is the candles , if it’s possible to have purple candles or no color candles on a sideways market to reduce false signals or noise and green or red candles to show trend break or scalping . Kudos

dj171084 2024.05.06 20:51 

I am not a new trader, I have been in this game a long time. Since 2006. This is essentially ichimoku clouds with some bells and whistles. There are a lot of settings in this indicator, there should be a manual. MT5 is a pain in the *** when it comes to editing indicators, to see where the change works, you have to apply the change and then if it does not, go back to the drawing board. There is no tutorial like the creator says - the sales video is a sales video - it is not a video on how to use the indicator nor the settings. This is my 1st & last Mql purchase, they dont offer guarantees and basically you have to buy the indicators in order to see how they work and tough luck if you end up with something that doesnt work or worse, something that does work but without an instruction manual on the various settings. I use TC2000 + TradingView and been around a long time.

The panel showing the various time frames is 100% incorrect - On Sat 4th 2024 BTC/USD was clearly in an uptrend on the 4hr chart, yet the panel was showing the 4hr was in a downtrend. So if you think you can place a trade using the higher time frames shown in the panel, double check that before placing a trade - you might be surprised. You can get a free version of this by installing ichimoku clouds, add a timer, add a seconds timer, get the free arrows, add a candle painting tool between pullbacks to change color. If you buy based on the arrows (buy/sell) you will lose money! The higher time frames panel is not correct - if you doubt it, try it for yourself (no dont do that because there are no refunds policies with this product) There is no tutorial video - there is only a sales video. There is no manual The creator of the tool says the video is a strategy video - If that is what you call a strategy video, then I do not know what to say. The comments are clearly from newbies that have zero clue about trends nor the various indicators found in this program.

This is essentially ichimoku cloud with a few bells/whistles that you could put together yourself for free with a number of free tools found in the market place. Would I buy again? No, I dont have time to sit and play around with a tool that has 30+ different settings without a user manual explaining what is what - You would essentially need a full weekend to sit and go through the tool, I dont have that time. As mentioned, the video on the front page is a sales overview video which the product owner now likes to claim is the tutorial but when you press him, he says its a strategy video. The video has the ability to morph between a tutorial, sales video and strategy video. If you say its not a strategy video, they will tell you its a tutorial. If you ask for the tutorial, they will say its a strategy video. If you say its a sales video, they will say its a tutorial/strategy video. The only thing good about the product is how it looks. If there was actually a manual or some private video explaining each setting showing what it changes/how it changes then maybe I would give it a higher rating. On a dark/black screen the tool turns certain candles purple - you cant see purpose on a black screen clearly - I looked for the setting for probably 30 minutes without success, so highly frustrating.

So I would think twice about buying it, the comments all seem like newbie comments who think buying a piece of software is the holy grain but the higher time frames are out. So if you do not know about the fractal nature of the markets, if you think the panel is incorrect and make trade decisions based off of the pane, just make sure you paper trade. I suspect the creator specifically made sure no one could post a comment until they purchased the product. If I had known what I now know, I would not have purchased the product without a proper manual or video explaining the settings as per above. There are not guarantees on any of these indicators you buy, so I would avoid buying on this platform until such time as there are guarantees. Installing the trial on your station does not work, they make sure it does not work (with all these indicators) making sure that your only option to test it out is to buy it but there is no testing it out, there is only buying with zero money back guarantee. Dont part with your hard earned money with any seller who will only take questions AFTER you have purchased the product.

If I could get a refund now, I would take it in a heart beat.

Issam Kassas
Antwort vom Entwickler Issam Kassas 2024.05.11 02:00
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback on our trading indicator. We value all comments, whether positive or constructive, as they help us improve our product and services. I understand your frustration with the lack of a comprehensive manual and tutorial video explaining the settings of our indicator. We acknowledge that providing clear and detailed instructions is essential for our users to maximize the benefits of our tool. Rest assured, we are actively working on creating these resources to address the concerns you've raised. Regarding the discrepancies you've noted in the panel showing various time frames, we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. We are committed to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of our indicator, and we will investigate and rectify any inaccuracies promptly. Your suggestion to offer guarantees on our products is duly noted, and we will explore ways to implement such policies in the future to provide our customers with added confidence in their purchases. Once again, we appreciate your feedback and apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We are here to assist you in any way we can. Thanks Issam kassas Updated: I have linked the Online course and the user manual that you asked for, to the description of the indicator and you can find it here as well: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/757466
rudolfo007 2024.04.28 17:55 

I just bought the SMART TREND TRADING SYSTEM an use it on FUTURES, it works very well. In cojunction with the SUPPORT AND RESISTANCE FINDER its a blast. The only thing i cant find , where change the aggresive trade finder to diferent settings very good system

An Dy
An Dy 2024.03.25 19:23 

I recently purchased the "Smart Trend Trading System MT5" and I must say, it has exceeded my expectations. The system's ability to identify trends accurately and provide timely signals has greatly improved my trading performance. The indicators are easy to understand and implement, even for someone relatively new to trading. The comprehensive analysis it offers has helped me make more informed decisions, resulting in profitable trades. Overall, I highly recommend the "Smart Trend Trading System MT5" to anyone looking to enhance their trading strategy. Issam Kassas is always available and responds promptly. Best Regards from Switzerland

ade nike
ade nike 2024.03.19 02:44 

This is another Indicator I got. However if you are looking for trend identifier in any timeframe please you need this indicator . Anytime I am trading and follow the trend on this indicator always end in profit . It’s one of the best that always alert and reversal cloud. Please get one and see how it’s working. The developer is best on Mql5 in terms of user support always reply on telegram on time.

Roger 2024.03.06 15:49 

This is a very good program and I highly recomend it as it seems to have an uncanny ability to predict price action.

Nan092 2024.02.19 22:07 

Der Benutzer hat keinen Kommentar hinterlassen

Issam Kassas
Antwort vom Entwickler Issam Kassas 2024.05.10 17:17
Hello ,
Regarding smart trend trading system
No worries at all I have a complete blog post with detailed strategies! and a complete online course as well that will show you how to take trades and teaches you the main strategies that we are using! Pls find the Blog post, the online course and the downloadable presets here: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/757466
ali alaker
ali alaker 2024.02.15 17:21 

Although I am not fluent in the English language and did not understand what all its functions were, I relied on the signal only and I made a profit in Bitcoin trading. The buy and sell signal is very excellent and does not disappear after the signal is given I highly recommend it. I got my purchase value back from the first trade

Itamar Pedreira Souza
Itamar Pedreira Souza 2024.01.23 00:16 

Today, 23-02-204, I am redoing my comment because the product support is not good, there are problems with calculating bars, always giving an “OnCalculate:1597” error, several messages sent and no solution to the problem, despite the product be accurate

I'm making my comment below because now everything works in the new version, so I can't complain about this problem, I'm going to test the indicator and do a new performance evaluation

I bought this indicator but I feel like it wasn't a good option, it doesn't work on several charts and I see that the author has no idea how to solve the problem, I have a computer with the settings: Processor: Intel (R) Core(TM) i7-4771 CPU @ 3.50GHz 3.50 GHz Ram 32.0 GB and still can't run more than 1 graphics. I sent a message to the author but I didn't receive a response, I believe there is no way to refund the amount but be warned, before purchasing, read the negative information.

Issam Kassas
Antwort vom Entwickler Issam Kassas 2024.01.23 17:39
Issue Solved Finally!! Thank God.
My Apologies to everyone who faced problems with the MQL5 MT5 version: 5.00 Build 4150. some how the indicator was not function under this build!
But the good news is that there is a new update now MQL5 MT5 version: 5.00 Build 4153!
Pls guys everyone should update there MT5 to avoid all issues and I have tested the indicator its working 100% fine just like before! My sincere apologies to you brother, first for the issue of the new update on mt5 and also for the processing power used by the indicator, Unfortunately this a multi indicators all in one which makes it by nature heavy indicator and ofc it will use some processing power! I am working hard to optimize this system and doing my best to find a way to make this happen! I have not received that many complains to be honest with you! about the processing power! however i am taking this issue seriously! I could not answer on the DM and because I have so many text messages because of this latest issue!
which i am trying to clear out!
kanemochi2024 2024.01.23 00:07 

UPDATE!!! My issues below solved after the update of MQL5 MT5 latest version. I am concerned about the performance of this indicator will be affected (again) by the update of MQL5 MT5 in the future? (Updated comment 24th Jan 2024)

I purchased this indicator last week, still trying to figure out how to use it. However, I have some serious issues. *I inserted this indicator in three pairs of currencies last friday (19th Jan). It worked well in the first two pairs of charts but when I inserted it into the third chart, I had a problem of freezing. I need to force quit the MT5 and everytime I open it again, I need to re-insert the indicator. That happens quite often, I had this issue five times last friday. I asked Issam for his advice and he advised me "delete the indicator completely from the terminal and install it again from the mql5". I did it but this time I have more issues on Monday (22nd Jan). *I can only insert this indicator into one single chart. About the other charts, when I inserted this indicator into the chart, the following happened. 1. Only the spread points showed in the right side of the screen. 2. The screen had some strange movements.(turned red or green) 3. When I deleted the indicator and tried to reinsert again, MT5 freezed again and I had to force quit my MT5→all charts needed to restart and I had to reinsert this indicator again. Only one single chat works. The indicator is not working in multiple charts in my MT5. I have attached photos and sent another message to Issam on Monday morning. Unfortunately, no reply from him. Not a single word. Since the indicator is not working in multiple charts in my MT5. If I inserted this indicator in Chat A but wanted to change to Chart B. 1. I need to delete the indicator in Chart A, 2. Close both Chart A and Chart B 3. Delete this indicator from the file folder 4. CLose MT5 5. DL this indicator again from my MT5 community account 6. Open MT5 7. Install this indicator again in my MT5 8. Open Chart B and insert this indicator in Chart B Also, when I tried to change the time frame of Chart B, the indicator disappeared and only the spread points left displayed on the right side of the screen. While waiting for Issam reply, I have been trying to delete and reinstall the system more than twenty times, deleted my trading account, my MT5 app and downloaded the MT5 again from the platform. I am doing this the whole morning on Monday and still, the issues can't be fixed. It is really frustrating that I purchased the indicator and it does not work on my MT5. To avoid the above step1 to step 8 I have to do . Now I can only stick to one single chart and one time frame. This indicator works well in one single chart and one time fame at this moment.

I feel like this indicator is reliable because of all the positive comments from buyers and all the videos by Issam. However, the above are the frustrations I have been experienced after my purchase. A huge disappointment.

Issam Kassas
Antwort vom Entwickler Issam Kassas 2024.01.23 17:34
Issue Solved Finally!! Thank God.
My Apologies to everyone who faced problems with the MQL5 MT5 version: 5.00 Build 4150. some how the indicator was not function under this build!
But the good news is that there is a new update now MQL5 MT5 version: 5.00 Build 4153!
Pls guys everyone should update there MT5 to avoid all issues and I have tested the indicator its working 100% fine just like before! My apologies to you brother! the previously mentioned issues are out of my control as its caused by new update in the MT5! which is now solved thank God!
As for multiple charts, this is a heavy indicator and need some processing power however its working just fine on my computer! thats again out of my control because there is nothing perfect you want multi indicators all in one this come unfortunately with a small price of the processing power!
I am always doing my best to optimize and make the system as smooth as possible! but for those who have a good laptops I think its mostly working just fine when you try to install on multiple charts!
I hope this help you pls make sure to update your mt5 to build 4153!
Jason Attia Guindi
Jason Attia Guindi 2024.01.22 12:45 

Great indicator! Needs some stability coding. I'm happy with the product in general

Issam Kassas
Antwort vom Entwickler Issam Kassas 2024.01.23 17:27
Issue Solved Finally!! Thank God.
My Apologies to everyone who faced problems with the MQL5 MT5 version: 5.00 Build 4150. some how the indicator was not function under this build!
But the good news is that there is a new update now MQL5 MT5 version: 5.00 Build 4153!
Pls guys everyone should update there MT5 to avoid all issues and I have tested the indicator its working 100% fine just like before!
morgendugg 2024.01.17 21:20 

Thank you for a great indicator. Remember this is not a instant buy and sell indicator. I recommend to do Price Action analyzing also. Then your winrate will be much better.

Nachiket Shintre
Nachiket Shintre 2024.01.13 14:34 

What an amazing tool it is, if this would have been an EA no doubt, I would have gone for this too. One would like add if you can optimize this for VPS make it little lighter. this takes tremendous amount of time to load on charts. P.S.: - I have nearly recovered the amount that I have paid in nearly just two days.

Qing Tian Deng
Qing Tian Deng 2023.12.13 18:29 

Good indicator! I recommend it, with clearly instruction, I can work with it well.But some times I find the scalping strategy is not that precise. Maybe I need more time to learn how to use it.

Issam Kassas
Antwort vom Entwickler Issam Kassas 2023.12.19 20:14
Thank you so much for the honest words and the support! Yes you have to keep in mind that trading is not only the technical analysis! There is also discipline and trading psychology and money management! Most importantly the 2 first which will help you decide on which trade to take and which you wont take! If you are not disciplined enough you will not respect the strategy and you will maybe jump the gun on many trades that you are not supposed to take in the first place!
That kind of things! But rest assured that this tool is the best in the market as far as technical analysis! Combined with good trading skills you will for sure be in a better position! Good luck !
Mr Christopher Michael Tonks
Mr Christopher Michael Tonks 2023.12.12 17:12 

Issam has done some top quailty work here, The customer service is superb and the indicator is fantastic. The only thing i would improve is sometimes it flickers on and off the chart but i think its very heavy on codes and my vps struggles. keep up the top work

Issam Kassas
Antwort vom Entwickler Issam Kassas 2023.12.12 18:59
Thank you so much! I am doing my best to optimize the system and make even better! the new updates are going to be much better! the system is reliable given the multi strategies and multi indicators it has! we have managed to make it work ! which is a big achievement in itself! I am glad that you liked the system and grateful for your support this encourage me even more to work on this system and make it the bets ever!
Thank you so much!
umukoro1000 2023.12.12 07:34 

Dear Issam, I noticed that the smart trend indicator no longer loads in all my charts. At the most, it only loads in two charts. In others, it only loads the show panel button. This has been on for the past 5 days. What is the way out sir?

Issam Kassas
Antwort vom Entwickler Issam Kassas 2023.12.12 18:54
I have no idea why are you giving me bad reviews on all my indicators even the free ones but when I send you message in your DM you dont answer!
I am working very hard to create something useful for everyone but seems like some people dont even care!
If you have an issue there is a support channel! DM me and I will be happy to help you troubleshoot the issue! before you just give bad reviews! Loading is not an issue of the indicator! you have to have your terminal up to date and also you have to make sure that your PC can handle the load of using many open charts!
The least that you can do is delete the indicator and reinstall it again especially if you dont have the latest version! Pls be fair with people!
Antwort auf eine Rezension
Version 2.50 2023.11.16
New update:
- Fixed an error with the MTF Trend Scanner Panel.
- Added Specification of the subject pair in the MTF Trend Scanner.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Optimized the performance.
- Changed the default settings.
- Updated the presets: New presets files for the strategies.