When I try to compile the EA got two 2 errors. “INIT FAILED“ - expression not boolean.
Both errors are the same.
'INIT_FAILED' - expression not boolean Auto ADX.mq5 line 279 column 20
'INIT_FAILED' - expression not boolean Auto ADX.mq5 line 285 column 17.
Where is the mistake in the code? Thank you for helping.
When I try to compile the EA got two 2 errors. “INIT FAILED“ - expression not boolean.
Both errors are the same.
'INIT_FAILED' - expression not boolean Auto ADX.mq5 line 279 column 20
'INIT_FAILED' - expression not boolean Auto ADX.mq5 line 285 column 17.
Where is the mistake in the code? Thank you for helping.
Ersetzen Sie die alte Funktion durch diese:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Lots or risk in percent for a deal from a free margin | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool LotsOrRisk(const double lots,const double risk,const int digits_adjust) { if(lots<0.0 && risk<0.0) { Print(__FUNCTION__,", ERROR: Parameter (\"lots\" or \"risk\") can't be less than zero"); return(false); } if(lots==0.0 && risk==0.0) { Print(__FUNCTION__,", ERROR: Trade is impossible: You have set \"lots\" == 0.0 and \"risk\" == 0.0"); return(false); } if(lots>0.0 && risk>0.0) { Print(__FUNCTION__,", ERROR: Trade is impossible: You have set \"lots\" > 0.0 and \"risk\" > 0.0"); return(false); } if(lots>0.0) { string err_text=""; if(!CheckVolumeValue(lots,err_text)) { Print(__FUNCTION__,", ERROR: ",err_text); return(false); } } else if(risk>0.0) { if(m_money!=NULL) delete m_money; m_money=new CMoneyFixedMargin; if(m_money!=NULL) { if(!m_money.Init(GetPointer(m_symbol),Period(),m_symbol.Point()*digits_adjust)) return(false); m_money.Percent(risk); } else { Print(__FUNCTION__,", ERROR: Object CMoneyFixedMargin is NULL"); return(false); } } //--- return(true); }

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Auto ADX:
Ein Expert Advisor auf Basis des iADX (Average Directional Movement Index, ADX).
Autor: Vladimir Karputov