MT4 现在支持WIN10 吗?WIN10正式版即将发布了?


MT4 现在支持WIN10 吗?WIN10正式版即将发布了?


2: WIN10 正式版发布后,MT4能用了吗

可以使用呀 我2台机器都可以使用呀  win10 10074 一台笔记本一台平板 都可以正常使用的

我更新到win10最新版14393以及内测最新版14915 ,然后打开mt4/mt5 ,只要电脑重启,账户密码都丢失,要重新输入,哎......希望迈达克赶紧解决,要不然只能重装回win7了

lou jiyang:

I updated to the latest version of win10 14393 and 14915 beta latest version, and then open mt4 / mt5, restart the computer as long as the account passwords are lost, to re-enter, hey ...... hope MetaQuotes quickly resolved, or else only You can reload the back win7

You can read this thread about Windows 10 : Windows 10 upgrade : what you should know ! and this post with links.
Use "Never Windows 10" tool from here for never 10

If some problem - write to the service desk.
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Never10 - Disable Windows 10 Automatic Upgrade