Ask the moderator, the form of the seller's information is all read-only, can not be changed, how can I change the seller's information and submit the application again?
The validation (registration to be a seller) is fully automated process.
It means: if you did everything is right way so you will be registered.
No one is moderating it.
The registration is doing by robot.
The validation (registration to be a seller) is fully automated process.
It means: if you did everything is right way so you will be registered.
No one is moderating it.
The registration is doing by robot.
Hello! I received the system information after registration: " moderator left notes to your request. Please go to the Seller's profile, make all required corrections and re-submit your request. "
However, the form of the seller profile is all read-only and cannot be changed.
The current registration status is: " Rejected with remarks "
Can I just wait for the system to handle it automatically?
您好!我在注册后收到了系统信息是:"moderator left notes to your request. Please go to the Seller's profile, make all required corrections and re-submit your request."
当前注册的状态是:"Rejected with remarks"
Hello! I received the system information after registration: " moderator left notes to your request. Please go to the Seller's profile, make all required corrections and re-submit your request. "
However, the form of the seller profile is all read-only and cannot be changed.
The current registration status is: " Rejected with remarks "
Can I just wait for the system to handle it automatically?
您好!我在注册后收到了系统信息是:"moderator left notes to your request. Please go to the Seller's profile, make all required corrections and re-submit your request."
当前注册的状态是:"Rejected with remarks"
I replied the information which I know.
And I know that no one is moderating the validation process (it is fully automatic process).
I replied the information which I know.
And I know that no one is moderating the validation process (it is fully automatic process).
"moderator left notes to your request. Please go to the Seller's profile, make all required corrections and re-submit your request."
My first registered seller was rejected and asked to change the information, but how to change the seller's information? The form of the seller's information can not be filled in.
我初次注册卖家被拒绝并要求更改资料,但怎样更改卖家资料? 卖家资料的表单全是不能填写的.