Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
4.5 (456)
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5+ anos
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We are a closed brotherhood of traders whose ultimate goal is to profit through well-studied, structured, and automated trades. As a result, we publish dozens of MT5 indicators (FREE and paid) to the global MQL5 community. 80% of our published products are high-quality free indicators so beginner traders can study and develop their own knowledge and strategies without the burden of the costs in this initial phase of their lives as traders. We have also intermediate and advanced traders who love our products, that's the reason for our high rates on our profile and on our products.

Our Motto: Disrupt. All Ways. Always.

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Live Long and Prosper.
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
There are times when you have blocks of - let's say - permanent things inside an indicator that must not be removed or at least I have to look carefully before editing...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
I'm using VSC for a WHILE now, but something that always bothered me - and just because I never gave a thought about it - is the image Icons representing my files in my source code tree. I was using the standard VSC icons package and it was "all right" for about 2 years...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Tip for new VSC coders, when you are coding long conditional structures there is a way to have those Indentation Guides showing you "where you are", but common indentation guides are visually annoying for some people (me included...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Publicado o postagem New MT5 05, June version
Olá pessoal, como sempre ocorreu com Atualizações Grandes da plataforma MT5, merdas acontecem. Se você perceber que o seu indicador não está se comportando do jeito que deveria, me comunique. Farei todo o possível para sanar o problema...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Olá Pessoal, a Metaquotes lançou uma versão nova do MT5 na sexta-feira, a 2485, que obrigou a todos os desenvolvedores a recompilarem e a submeterem novamente todos os seus produtos na Loja do MQL5 pois esta nova versão NÃO MAIS SERÁ COMPATÍVEL com indicadores de versões passadas...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Adicionado o tópico Quando a água bate na bunda... CVM aparece...
CVM super amiga e zeloza dos traders de Varejo? Na data de hoje (momento ainda de COVID & FREE MONEY FOR ALL, BUT NOT YOU), em que temos uma galera procurando por investimentos de maior risco... Eis que recebo um comunicado da Modal: Curioso
Flavio Javier Jarabeck Produto publicado
Comentário: 4
35.00 USD

Imagine um monitor de pressão de compra e venda no seu gráfico que mostre em TEMPO REAL esses dados, barra por barra? Bem, não imagine mais. Apresentamos a você uma criação exclusiva da Minions Labs : indicador Aggressão em Barras . Em cada nova barra do seu gráfico, este indicador começará a contar em tempo real a pressão de COMPRA/VENDA e apresentará essas estatísticas diretamente dentro do seu gráfico. Assim que uma nova barra for criada no seu gráfico, o contador reinicia. Simples e eficaz

โชคชัย ไชยะวัน
โชคชัย ไชยะวัน 2020.06.13
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
2010, 373 pages, by Robert Pardo. It is a very well written book. If you are in the way of creating Automated Strategies you MUST read this book...
Ammar Mousa
[Excluído] 2020.06.04
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Thank you!

As of today, my Auto Support and Resistances indicator reached (in the FREE category) the first place in the world! And second place in the world on the POPULAR category!
Thiago Duarte
Thiago Duarte 2020.05.14
Parabéns man :D
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Flavio Javier Jarabeck 2020.05.14
Obrigado Thiago! ;)
Lucas 2020.05.20
Parabéns. Conseguiu se superar.
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Olá Traders! Para vocês que fazem parte deste grupo ou que me seguem no site MQL5, uma surpresa: Market Momentum PRO, gratuito por 48h. Aproveitem! --- Hello Traders...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Building a new indicator, based on current BUY & SELL ticks, showing on short timeframes what is the real sentiment of the market, real time... Bar by Bar... [EDITED 2024-04-07] For those who want to try this indicator, it is READY! Aggression on Bars... Try It HERE...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
It seems rubbish and pointless... No, it isn't... Your talent IS your talent... Exploit it to the Maximum! And, DON'T listen to anyone before you try it for yourself...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck Produto publicado
Comentário: 22

The Hull Moving Average is not very well know in novice and maybe in intermediate trading circles, but it is a very nice solution created by the trader Alan Hull - please visit www.AlanHull.com for full details of his creation. The purpose of this moving average is to solve both problems that all famouse and common moving averages have: Lag and Choppiness . The implementation we did has, apart of the Period configuration and Price type to use in the calculations, a "velocity" factor, which could

Flavio Javier Jarabeck Produto publicado
Comentário: 1

Do you want to know how much, how frequent and at what level a candlestick retraces over the previous one, just drop Candles Retracement over your chart and see it visually! Just choose your desired timeframe and the indicator will show it graphically. As simple as that... In addition you have the option to calibrate a Moving Average over this sub-window chart monitor. This indicator could be used to study candle retracements levels so you can comfortably expect during a trade what to expect

Flavio Javier Jarabeck Produto publicado
Comentário: 12

Do you love VWAP? So you will love the VWAP Cloud . What is it? Is your very well known VWAP indicator plus 3-levels of Standard Deviation plotted on your chart and totally configurable by you. This way you can have real Price Support and Resistance levels. To read more about this just search the web for "VWAP Bands" "VWAP and Standard Deviation". SETTINGS VWAP Timeframe: Hourly, Daily, Weekly or Monthly. VWAP calculation Type. The classical calculation is Typical: (H+L+C)/3 Averaging Period to