Problema com Envio de Ordens


Bom Dia,

Estou tentando criar um expert advisor porém a hora que testo o mesmo não envia ordem, aparece o erro 4756.

A idéia do expert é enviar ordem baseado no preço de abertura do dia.

Como não entendo muito de programação peguei o código de um exemplo que encontrei nos artigos e modifiquei.

Se alguém puder me orientar como arrumar fico grato.

//|                                                  My_First_EA.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2010, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                     |
#property copyright "Copyright 2010, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
//--- input parameters
input int      StopLoss=100;      // Stop Loss
input int      TakeProfit=100;   // Take Profit
input int      MA_Period=72;      // Moving Average Period
input int      EA_Magic=12345;   // EA Magic Number
input double   Lot=1;          // Lots to Trade
//--- Other parameters
int maHandle;  // handle for our Moving Average indicator
double maVal[]; // Dynamic array to hold the values of Moving Average for each bars
double p_close; // Variable to store the close value of a bar
int STP, TKP;   // To be used for Stop Loss & Take Profit values
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- Get the handle for Moving Average indicator
//--- What if handle returns Invalid Handle
      Alert("Error Creating Handles for indicators - error: ",GetLastError(),"!!");

//--- Let us handle currency pairs with 5 or 3 digit prices instead of 4
   STP = StopLoss;
   TKP = TakeProfit;
   if(_Digits==5 || _Digits==3)
      STP = STP*10;
      TKP = TKP*10;
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Release our indicator handles
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
//--- Do we have enough bars to work with
   if(Bars(_Symbol,_Period)<60) // if total bars is less than 60 bars
      Alert("We have less than 60 bars, EA will now exit!!");

// We will use the static Old_Time variable to serve the bar time.
// At each OnTick execution we will check the current bar time with the saved one.
// If the bar time isn't equal to the saved time, it indicates that we have a new tick.

   static datetime Old_Time;
   datetime New_Time[1];
   bool IsNewBar=false;

// copying the last bar time to the element New_Time[0]
   int copied=CopyTime(_Symbol,_Period,0,1,New_Time);
   if(copied>0) // ok, the data has been copied successfully
      if(Old_Time!=New_Time[0]) // if old time isn't equal to new bar time
         IsNewBar=true;   // if it isn't a first call, the new bar has appeared
         if(MQL5InfoInteger(MQL5_DEBUGGING)) Print("We have new bar here ",New_Time[0]," old time was ",Old_Time);
         Old_Time=New_Time[0];            // saving bar time
      Alert("Error in copying historical times data, error =",GetLastError());

//--- EA should only check for new trade if we have a new bar

//--- Define some MQL5 Structures we will use for our trade
   MqlTick latest_price;      // To be used for getting recent/latest price quotes
   MqlTradeRequest mrequest;  // To be used for sending our trade requests
   MqlTradeResult mresult;    // To be used to get our trade results
   MqlRates mrate[];          // To be used to store the prices, volumes and spread of each bar
   ZeroMemory(mrequest);      // Initialization of mrequest structure

// the MA-72 values arrays

//--- Get the last price quote using the MQL5 MqlTick Structure
      Alert("Error getting the latest price quote - error:",GetLastError(),"!!");

//--- Get the details of the latest 1 bars
      Alert("Error copying rates/history data - error:",GetLastError(),"!!");

//--- Copy the new values of our indicators to buffers (arrays) using the handle
      Alert("Error copying Moving Average indicator buffer - error:",GetLastError());
//--- we have no errors, so continue
//--- Do we have positions opened already?
   bool Buy_opened=false;  // variable to hold the result of Buy opened position
   bool Sell_opened=false; // variables to hold the result of Sell opened position

   if(PositionSelect(_Symbol)==true) // we have an opened position
         Buy_opened=true;  //It is a Buy
      else if(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE)==POSITION_TYPE_SELL)
         Sell_opened=true; // It is a Sell

// Copy the bar close price for the previous bar prior to the current bar, that is Bar 0
   p_close=mrate[0].close;  // bar 0 close price

//--- Declare bool type variables to hold our Buy Conditions
   bool Buy_Condition_1 = (p_close > maVal[0]);         // previuos price closed above MA-72

//--- Putting all together   
         // any opened Buy position?
            Alert("We already have a Buy Position!!!");
            return;    // Don't open a new Buy Position
         mrequest.action = TRADE_ACTION_PENDING;                                  
         mrequest.price = NormalizeDouble((p_close-100),_Digits);            = NormalizeDouble((p_close - 100 - STP)*_Point,_Digits); // Stop Loss = NormalizeDouble((p_close -100 + 2*TKP)*_Point,_Digits); // Take Profit
         mrequest.symbol = _Symbol;                                            // currency pair
         mrequest.volume = Lot;                                                 // number of lots to trade
         mrequest.magic = EA_Magic;                                             // Order Magic Number
         mrequest.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY;                                        // Buy Order
         mrequest.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_FOK;                             // Order execution type
         mrequest.deviation=0;                                                // Deviation from current price
         //--- send order
         // get the result code
         if(mresult.retcode==10009 || mresult.retcode==10008) //Request is completed or order placed
            Alert("A Buy order has been successfully placed with Ticket#:",mresult.order,"!!");
            Alert("The Buy order request could not be completed -error:",GetLastError());
         mrequest.action = TRADE_ACTION_PENDING;                                  // immediate order execution
         mrequest.price = NormalizeDouble((p_close+100),_Digits);           // latest ask price = NormalizeDouble((p_close + 100 - STP)*_Point,_Digits); // Stop Loss = NormalizeDouble((p_close + 100 + TKP)*_Point,_Digits); // Take Profit
         mrequest.symbol = _Symbol;                                            // currency pair
         mrequest.volume = Lot;                                                 // number of lots to trade
         mrequest.magic = EA_Magic;                                             // Order Magic Number
         mrequest.type = ORDER_TYPE_SELL;                                        // Buy Order
         mrequest.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_FOK;                             // Order execution type
         mrequest.deviation=0;                                                // Deviation from current price
         //--- send order
         // get the result code
         if(mresult.retcode==10009 || mresult.retcode==10008) //Request is completed or order placed
            Alert("A Buy order has been successfully placed with Ticket#:",mresult.order,"!!");
            Alert("The Buy order request could not be completed -error:",GetLastError());

//--- Declare bool type variables to hold our Sell Conditions
   bool Sell_Condition_1 = (p_close <maVal[0]);                         // Previous price closed below MA-72

//--- Putting all together
         // any opened Buy position?
            Alert("We already have a Sell Position!!!");
            return;    // Don't open a new Sell Position
         mrequest.action = TRADE_ACTION_PENDING;                                  // immediate order execution
         mrequest.price = NormalizeDouble((p_close-100),_Digits);           // latest ask price = NormalizeDouble((p_close - 100 - STP)*_Point,_Digits); // Stop Loss = NormalizeDouble((p_close - 100 + TKP)*_Point,_Digits); // Take Profit
         mrequest.symbol = _Symbol;                                            // currency pair
         mrequest.volume = Lot;                                                 // number of lots to trade
         mrequest.magic = EA_Magic;                                             // Order Magic Number
         mrequest.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY;                                        // Buy Order
         mrequest.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_FOK;                             // Order execution type
         mrequest.deviation=0;                                                // Deviation from current price
         //--- send order
         // get the result code
         if(mresult.retcode==10009 || mresult.retcode==10008) //Request is completed or order placed
            Alert("A Buy order has been successfully placed with Ticket#:",mresult.order,"!!");
            Alert("The Buy order request could not be completed -error:",GetLastError());
         mrequest.action = TRADE_ACTION_PENDING;                                  // immediate order execution
         mrequest.price = NormalizeDouble((p_close+100),_Digits);           // latest ask price = NormalizeDouble((p_close + 100 - STP)*_Point,_Digits); // Stop Loss = NormalizeDouble((p_close + 100 + 2*TKP)*_Point,_Digits); // Take Profit
         mrequest.symbol = _Symbol;                                            // currency pair
         mrequest.volume = Lot;                                                 // number of lots to trade
         mrequest.magic = EA_Magic;                                             // Order Magic Number
         mrequest.type = ORDER_TYPE_SELL;                                        // Buy Order
         mrequest.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_FOK;                             // Order execution type
         mrequest.deviation=0;                                                // Deviation from current price
         //--- send order
         // get the result code
         if(mresult.retcode==10009 || mresult.retcode==10008) //Request is completed or order placed
            Alert("A Buy order has been successfully placed with Ticket#:",mresult.order,"!!");
            Alert("The Buy order request could not be completed -error:",GetLastError());