trocar evento no tick para fechamento,


Olá Neste código do bobnaley o evento como o valor de estocático ocorre no tick quando ele ocorre no tick ele realiza a venda , como eu faço para realizar a venda apenas no fechamento mudando esse código?? Alguém poderia me ajudar?


//|                                                     bobnaley.mq5 |

//|                                             Copyright 2010, AM2. |

//|                          |


#property copyright "Copyright 2010, AM2."

#property link      ""

#property version   "1.12"

#include <Trade\Trade.mqh>            

//--- input parameters

input double TakeProfit    =   0.007; // Take Profit

input double StopLoss      =   0.0035;// Stop Loss

input int MA_Period        =      76; // Moving Average period

input int Stoch_OverSold   =      30; // Stochastic oversold level

input int Stoch_OverBought =      70; // Stochastic overbought level

input double Lot           =       5; // Lots to trade

//--- global variables

int maHandle;                         // handle of the Moving Average indicator

int stochHandle;                      // handle of the Stochastic indicator

double maVal[3];                      // array for values of Moving Average

double stochVal[3];                   // array for values of Stochastic indicator

CTrade trade;                         // using CTrade class


//| Expert initialization function                                   |


int OnInit()


//---get handle of Moving Average indicator


//--- get handle of Stochastic indicator


//--- check handles

   if(maHandle<0 || stochHandle<0)


      Alert("Error in creation of indicators - error no: ",GetLastError(),"!!");






//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |


void OnDeinit(const int reason)


//--- release handles





//| Expert tick function                                             |


void OnTick()


//--- do we have necessary number of bars

   int Mybars=Bars(_Symbol,_Period);

   if(Mybars<100) // if bars<100


      Alert("We have less than 100 bars on the chart, the Expert Advisor will exit!!!");



//--- get the indicator's data

   if(CopyBuffer(maHandle,0,0,3,maVal)<0 || CopyBuffer(stochHandle,0,0,3,stochVal)<0)


      Alert("Error copying of the indicator's buffers - error no:",GetLastError());



   double Ask = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_ASK); // ask price

   double Bid = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_BID); // bid price


    1. Check conditions to open long position : MA increases,

       Stochastic increases and located below the oversold level


//--- boolean variable used to check buy conditions

   bool BuyCondition =(maVal[0]<maVal[1] && maVal[1]<maVal[2] && Ask > maVal[0]&&  // MA increases, price>MA

                       stochVal[1]>stochVal[2] && stochVal[0]<Stoch_OverSold);     // Stochastic increases, Stochastic<Stoch_OverSold

//--- combine all togther

   if(BuyCondition)                                          // buy condition ok

      if(!PositionSelect(_Symbol))                           // no position yet

         if(AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_FREEMARGIN)>5000)      // if we have enough money


            trade.PositionOpen(_Symbol,                                          // symbol

                               ORDER_TYPE_BUY,                                   // buy order

                               Money_M(),                                        // lots to trade

                               Ask,                                              // last ask price

                               Ask - StopLoss,                                   // Stop Loss

                               Ask + TakeProfit,                                 // Take Profit

                               " ");                                             // no comments



    2. Check conditions to open short position : MA decreases,

       Stochastic decreases and located above the overbought level


//--- boolean variable used to check buy conditions

   bool SellCondition = (maVal[0]>maVal[1]) && (maVal[1]>maVal[2]&& Bid < maVal[0]&&  // MA decreases, price<MA

                         stochVal[1]<stochVal[2] && stochVal[0]>Stoch_OverBought);    // Stochastic decreases, Stochastic>Stoch_OverBought

//--- ñîáèðàåì âñå âìåñòå

   if(SellCondition)                                         // sell condition ok

      if(!PositionSelect(_Symbol))                           // no position yet

         if(AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_FREEMARGIN)>5000)      // if we have enough money


            trade.PositionOpen(_Symbol,                                          // symbol

                               ORDER_TYPE_SELL,                                  // sell order

                               Money_M(),                                        // lots to trade

                               Bid,                                              // last bid price

                               Bid + StopLoss,                                   // Stop Loss

                               Bid - TakeProfit,                                 // Take Profit

                               " ");                                             // no comments





//|                     Returns the position volume                  |


double Money_M()


   double Lots=AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_FREEMARGIN)/100000*50;






      if(Lots<1) Lots=NormalizeDouble(Lots,1);

      else       Lots=NormalizeDouble(Lots,0);





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