Eaが複数の同じ保留/制限注文を作成している [Help pls] 。 - ページ 4




            if(Volume[0]>1) return(0);


//| OnTick function                                                  |
void OnTick(){
   static datetime timeCur; datetime timePre = timeCur; timeCur=Time[0];
   bool isNewBar = timeCur != timePre;
     return; // Once per bar
   return; // every tick



void OnTick(){
   datetime timeCur=Time[0]; 
   static datetime timePre = timeCur;
   bool isNewBar = timeCur != timePre;
     //Do what you want at each new bar // Once per bar
   //Do other stuff that you may need to do every tick
   return; // every tick

最後の注文をチェック するコードでは、注文履歴の中で最も高いインデックスが最新の決済済み取引であると仮定しています。これが常に正しいかどうかはわかりません。


OK 私はコードを適用しました...しかし、私はそれぞれの新しいバーで開始関数を 呼び出そうとしたとき...それはどんな注文も取りません...。

void OnTick(){
   datetime timeCur=Time[0]; 
   static datetime timePre = timeCur;
   bool isNewBar = timeCur != timePre;
     //Do what you want at each new bar // Once per bar
   //Do other stuff that you may need to do every tick
   return; // every tick


// Init function
int init()

int CalcDigits = (int)MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS);

if(CalcDigits == 2 || CalcDigits == 4) CalcSlippage = SlippagePips;
else if(CalcDigits == 3 || CalcDigits == 5) CalcSlippage = SlippagePips * 10;      

if(CalcDigits == 2 || CalcDigits == 3) CalcPoint1 = 0.01;
else if(CalcDigits == 4 || CalcDigits == 5) CalcPoint1 = 0.0001;
UsePoint = CalcPoint;
UseSlippage = (int) CalcSlippage; 
return (0);

int start()

double open = iOpen(NULL,PERIOD_H1,0);        // current candles Open
int CH = TimeHour(TimeCurrent()); // current hour    
double LO = iOpen(NULL,PERIOD_H1,1);
double LC = iClose(NULL,PERIOD_H1,1);
//----------------------------  Calculation
double CalcDigits = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS);
      if(CalcDigits == 2 || CalcDigits == 3) CalcPoint = 100;
      else if (CalcDigits == 4 || CalcDigits == 5) CalcPoint = 10000;

FS = Split(open);

//-------- 2nd part of Calculation----------------//

S0 = open - (double(FS)* CalcPoint1);
S1 = open - (double((FS*2))* CalcPoint1);
S2 = open - (double((FS*4))* CalcPoint1);
S3 = open - (double((FS*8))* CalcPoint1); 
S4 = open - (double((FS*16))* CalcPoint1);
S5 = open - (double((FS*32))* CalcPoint1);
R0 = open + (double(FS)* CalcPoint1);
R1 = open + (double((FS*2))* CalcPoint1);
R2 = open + (double((FS*4))* CalcPoint1);
R3 = open + (double((FS*8))* CalcPoint1); 
R4 = open + (double((FS*16))* CalcPoint1); 
R5 = open + (double((FS*32))* CalcPoint1);  

//---------2nd part-------------------//
   P1 = Split(S0);
   P2 = Split(S1);
   P3 = Split(S2);
   P4 = Split(S3);
   P5 = Split(S4);
   P6 = Split(S5);
   P7 = Split(R0);
   P8 = Split(R1);
   P9 = Split(R2);
   P10 = Split(R3);
   P11 = Split(R4);
   P12 = Split(R5);

   if(FS == P1 && LC > LO)  BuyCall(S0);
   if(FS == P2 && LC > LO)  BuyCall(S1);
   if(FS == P3 && LC > LO)  BuyCall(S2);
   if( FS == P4 && LC > LO) BuyCall(S3);   
   if( FS == P5 && LC > LO) BuyCall(S4);
   if( FS == P6 && LC > LO) BuyCall(S5);
   if( FS == P7 && LC < LO) SellCall(R0);
   if( FS == P8 && LC < LO) SellCall(R1);
   if( FS == P9 && LC < LO) SellCall(R2);
   if( FS == P10 && LC < LO) SellCall(R3);
   if( FS == P11 && LC < LO) SellCall(R4);                    
   if( FS == P12 && LC < LO) SellCall(R5);     
   //-----------------End of experiment----------

//-------------------Reverse trade for Sell
     for(xxx =OrdersHistoryTotal()-1;xxx >=0;xxx --)
         if(OrderSelect(xxx, SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY))
         if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()== MagicNumber)
          //for sell order reverse
          if(OrderType()==OP_SELL && OrderProfit()<0)    
             if (OrderOpenPrice()== R0 || OrderOpenPrice()== R1 ||OrderOpenPrice()== R2 ||OrderOpenPrice()== R3 ||OrderOpenPrice()== R4 ||OrderOpenPrice()== R5 )
            BuyStopLoss = Ask - (StopLoss * CalcPoint1);
            BuyTakeProfit = Ask + (TakeProfit * CalcPoint1);
            BuyTicket = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,LotSize,Ask,UseSlippage,BuyStopLoss,BuyTakeProfit,"Buy Reverse Order",MagicNumber,0,Green);
  //-------------Reverse trade for buy
     for(xx =OrdersHistoryTotal()-1;xx >=0;xx --)
         if(OrderSelect(xx, SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY))
         if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()== MagicNumber)
          //for buy order reverse
          if(OrderType()==OP_BUY && OrderProfit()<0)
           if (OrderOpenPrice()== S0 || OrderOpenPrice()== S1 ||OrderOpenPrice()== S2 ||OrderOpenPrice()== S3 ||OrderOpenPrice()== S4 ||OrderOpenPrice()== S5 )
            SellStopLoss = Bid + (StopLoss * CalcPoint1);
            SellTakeProfit = Bid - (TakeProfit * CalcPoint1);
            SellTicket = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,LotSize,Bid,UseSlippage,SellStopLoss,SellTakeProfit,"Sell Reverse Order",MagicNumber,0,Red); 

//------WHODER CODE for Order Close/Delete in every hour -------

for(int pos = OrdersTotal()-1; pos >= 0 ; pos--) 
if (OrderSelect(pos, SELECT_BY_POS)  &&  OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber &&  OrderSymbol() == Symbol() )
     if(OrderType()==OP_SELL && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber &&  OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
     int k = (TimeHour((int)OrderOpenTime())*60) + TimeMinute((int)OrderOpenTime()); 
     int m = (TimeHour((int)TimeCurrent())*60) +  TimeMinute((int)TimeCurrent());    
     if (m >= k+59)
      bool closed = OrderClose( OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice(),UseSlippage,Blue);
      if(OrderType()==OP_BUY && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber &&  OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
     int k1 = (TimeHour((int)OrderOpenTime())*60) + TimeMinute((int)OrderOpenTime()); 
    int m1 = (TimeHour((int)TimeCurrent())*60) +  TimeMinute((int)TimeCurrent());    
     if (m1 >= k1+59)
     bool closed = OrderClose( OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice(),UseSlippage,Blue);



int split(double x)

void BuyCall(double BC)

void SellCall(double SC)

そして最後に void onTick 関数ですが、これはどう設定すればよいのでしょうか。






この場合、tick 毎に 値が割り当てられるのではなく、ロード時に一度だけ値が割り当てられます。
static datetime timePre = timeCur;
void OnTick(){
   static datetime timeCur;
   datetime timePre = timeCur; timeCur=Time[0]; 
   bool isNewBar = timeCur != timePre;