
make an encrypted file programatically

Hello i was wondering if its possible to have the EA make an encrypted file to store some side data and then read data from that file whenever necessary i know that we can create csv/text files and then read the data later on , but i want that file to be non readable by the user and only be readable

indicator adjustment problem

Hello all i am experience some issue with an indicator that i am working on , can somebody please take a look and tell me why its causing this issue ? to put it simply the indicator is not refreshing Explanation: when i attach the indicator to the chart and leave it on, after sometime when i attach

Show indicator on chart

is there a way to show the indicator on chart when the indicator is being used as a resource in the EA

question about using a custom indicator as a resource

hi all if i use a custom indicator as a resource in an EA #resource then the indicator itself only works in the behind the scene calculations (as far as i am aware) but is there any way to show that custom indicator on the chart in live market ? Thanks in advance cheers

second or third largest variable ?

i have 8 variables with different values stored in them , and i am trying to get the variables in descending order , how can i get the name of the variables in descending order? : largest variable second largest variable third largest variable . . . . . smallest variable i tried the array sort but

Find indicator window id

Hello need some advice from the experts i am trying to find the window id of the indicator but there is a bit of a confusion , i know i can find the window id by using the function: WindowFind( "My Indicator" ); but what if there are multiple instances of the same indicator attached on the same

Indicator as a Resource in EA

I just found out that you can keep the indicators as a resource inside of the EA code while working with iCustom function by using: #resource "\\Indicators\\myindicator.ex5" and then calling the resource in iCustom via ::Indicators\\myindicator.ex5 But i have a question : lets assume a scenario

Get object name of the last clicked object

hello everyone , is there any way to get the name of the object that was clicked most recently ? i have too many objects on chart and i want to save the name of the last clicked object into a variable , is there any way to accomplish that

how to Draw responsive objects on chart?

is there any way to make the objects on the chart "responsive"? i mean lets take buttons or rectangles as an example , if i am working on a project on a lower resolution laptop and my ea contains lots of rectangles and buttons , and when i send the ea to someone with high resolution screen then its

Select the buffers of an indicator programatically ?

i am trying to use an indicator in my EA via iCustom the indicator has 8 total buffer , each buffer shows a line and these 8 lines cross Each other every now and then now the problem i am facing is if i select these buffers via iCustom for each cross then i will need to call that specific buffer