
How to set value at indicator short name?

Hello, I build an indicator that display on seperate window, but the value not display at indicator short name . Anyone know how to set or show value at there? My code here: #property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_buffers 2 #property indicator_plots 2 ... //--- plot up #property

How to arbitration job when i done my work but customer not confirm hangout and payment?

Hello, I have a personal job that i have to provide code of my indicator. I have done (provided code and support custormer to compile code also). Now job state is waiting customer confirm hangout and payment but my customer just silence even through i chat with him. So how to arbitration job when i

Calculate UTC time from time server?

Hello all, I trying to build indicator relax with sessions open and close. Input time setting is UTC, so i need to convert each time[i] (broker time) to UTC time. My ideal is hourshift=( int )( TimeCurrent ()- TimeGMT ())/ 3600 ; Print ( "hourshift: " ,hourshift); or MqlDateTime tc,tgmt; TimeCurrent

Error when publish product?

Hello, I get this error when publish indicator as product of Market. Please help me! What i can do to solve this problem? Thanks

Is there any way prevent user click on OBJ_BUTTON or disable OBJ_BUTTON on mql4?

Hello, I have create button by OBJ_BUTTON . I want to prevent user click on button in some case. Is there any way for enable/disable button click on MQL4? Thank in advance

Help me on array handle

Hello, I'm trying to push object to array which function have to work with template. For now, I test with object. But when to push object to first element of array, the old one loss data after move. Please help me to keep data of object after move. Thanks very much! My test code is

Strange in copybuffer ATR

I found something strange in copybuffer atr indicator. the value return EMPTY_VALUE if shift is far from current. Anyone get this problem? //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| TestCopyATR.mq5 | //|

How to create object line in mql4

Hello, experts Please help me how to create line like this one Lines can draggable. Urgent!!! Many thanks

Object text some time have black border

Hello, I create text object with Wingdings Wingdings. Ex: CharToStr(233). Strange is some time arrow have black border. Code to create Text Obj: bool TextCreate( const long chart_ID= 0 , // chart's ID const string name= "Text" , //

Is it possible to create rectangle object filled with color transparencey

Is there any way create rectangle object filled by transparency color? I had tested: uchar alpha= 0x55 ; // 0x55 means 55/255=21.6 % of transparency draw.RectangleCreate( 0 , inp_prefix+ "_obf_" + IntegerToString (aob[a].dt), 0 , aob[a].dt, aob[a].val_high, TimeCurrent ()+