
PositionSelectByTicket(ticket_id) fails

Hi Everyone, I am having issues with the method PositionSelectByTicket (ticket_id); After I open a new position ( ctrade .Buy) and a few lines later call bool res = PositionSelectByTicket (ticket_id); it returns a false. But the position is sitll there and it is visible in the table. Any ideas how I

How to declare class inside class?

Hi, I would like to have the following structure: template < typename T> class RingBuffer { public : class AccessResult { public : bool valid; T item; }; AccessResult getAt(idx i) const; }; With this, I can declare a RingBuffer like this: RingBuffer<SomeFancyElement> elems; and

Getting the User Name

Is there a way to get the user name if the user logged in via MT5

MQL: Please stop this craziness

Dear mwl members, please abandon your stupid update policy forcing users to updates. Today again all my running accounts were logged out with opened trades. Are you crazy??? Update costs me a lo of time since I need to restart 20 terminals and configuring aaaall EAs over and over again. Please stop

How to avoid calling the constructor of parent class?

Hi, I have the problem that when an object of the child class is created, the constructor of the parent class is called without notice. class ClassA { public : ClassA(){ Print ( "ClassA Constructor" ); }; }; class ClassB: public ClassA { public : ClassB(){ Print ( "ClasB" ); } };

Why is MT5 deleting one month of data?

Hi, from time to time I observe the situation that MT5 deletes a full month of data, which affects (breaks) the EA logic. Any ideas how I can avoid this?? In the image above, you can see that data between 29.12.2023 and Feb 2024 is missing. As if there was nothing. Only the remembered trades

Optimizer getting slower and slower

Hi, I observe the optimizer in MT5 getting slower and slower over time. At first, it shows to need 20 hours for 10000 runs. After 2000 runs it shows 600hrs . Quite often, when all agents are done, the optimizer waits and waits before it starts the next iteration. Is there anything I can check in

Where to get the new MT4 version?

Hi, since a few days I can't use MT4 anymore. The journal sais the version is too old. When I get the latest version from and install it, the terminal64.exe is MT5 🤯 There is not terminal.exe or terminal64.exe running MT4 anymore? Is MT4 dead

How to save backwards AND forward optimization results?

Hi, when I save the optimization cache as an opt file, and open it again, all forward test results are lost. Am I doing something wrong? 🤔 Thanks everyone

Create new Column for optimization table

Hi, is there a way to log additional metrics during optimization? I would like to collect more information about an optimization run and to sort the results by these additional (non optimized) metrics. More precise: I woul like to have a nother column "MyMetric" after the "Sharp" Column. Is it