Mage He
Mage He
Starting trading in 2019

Starting MQL programming in 2022

Focusing on MT5 automated transactions, ML, DL.

welcome to communicate

No agent, platform, or broker recommendation required
Mage He
Published code Check if there are any new bar
The purpose is to check whether new bar are generated This is a class file that can be used as a class or copied to EA or scripts for use
Mage He
Published code 检查是否有新柱产生
作用是检查是否产生新柱 这是一个类文件,可作为类使用,也可以复制到EA或脚本中使用
Mage He
Published code Moving Average-RMA
RMA Relative Moving Average is a variant of EMA
· 1 12086 1091
Mage He
Published code Moving Average-RMA 相对移动平均线
Relative Moving Average (RMA) is a variant of EMA the factor is 1/period
Mage He
Added topic How to accurately get total positions
Hello everyone , I have encountered a problem and hope to receive everyone's help , thank you ! My question is very simple, just is to get the total positions  My code : #include <Trade\Trade.mqh>
Mage He
Added topic About topic replies check
If someone replies to me, where can I quickly check ? Or do I need to find the original topic ? only that way
Mage He
Added topic Does anyone know about computing resources?
Does anyone know what computing resources are used when running test optimization?CPU or GPU? why? or how? thank you
Mage He
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