Rogerio Figurelli
Rogerio Figurelli
5 (6)
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12+ years
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Trajecta - Consultoria e Projeto de Robôs -
Published books:
Rogerio Figurelli
Added topic Reducing market uncertainty with the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Hello everyone, The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in robots for Forex/Stock Markets/etc. grows more and more, much upon AI hype. My suggestion is to keep the focus on reducing market uncertainty, as the proposal of this thread. However
Rogerio Figurelli
Published screenshot
IBOV, D1XP Investimentos CCTVM S/A
Rogerio Figurelli
Published screenshot
WIN$, H1XP Investimentos CCTVM S/A
Rogerio Figurelli
Published screenshot
IBOV, H4XP Investimentos CCTVM S/A
Rogerio Figurelli
Published screenshot
BGI$, H4XP Investimentos CCTVM S/A
Rogerio Figurelli
Published screenshot
DOL$, H1XP Investimentos CCTVM S/A
Rogerio Figurelli
Published screenshot
PETR4, H4XP Investimentos CCTVM S/A
Rogerio Figurelli
Published screenshot
WIN$, M15XP Investimentos CCTVM S/A
Rogerio Figurelli
Published screenshot
BGI$, H1XP Investimentos CCTVM S/A
Rogerio Figurelli
Published screenshot
IBOV, W1XP Investimentos CCTVM S/A
Rogerio Figurelli
Rogerio Figurelli
Trajecta Passaporte - Test Drive Gratuito por 30 dias em conta real !!!
Utilize o formulário abaixo para solicitar um Test Drive gratuito por 30 dias,
em conta real, do Trajecta Passaporte - Plano Piloto,
com limite diário de Ganho/Perda de R$ 100,00 (cem reais) por conta do MetaTrader 5
Formulário de solicitação de Test Drive:
Rogerio Figurelli
Published screenshot
WING15, H1: Primeiras horas de L12S4, em um...
WING15, H1XP Investimentos CCTVM S/AWING15, H1: Primeiras horas de L12S4, em um ambiente com latência de 3ms, atingindo um Neuro Rating de 1156.
Rogerio Figurelli
Resumo da ópera do Conarobô 2014: teste, mude rápido e sobreviva, se puder Depois de minha palestra no Conarobô 2014, na quinta-feira passada, recebi diversos e-mails, sendo que alguns em especial me chamaram a atenção...
Rogerio Figurelli
Usando sua visão no seu backtesting Acredito, e comento frequentemente com nossos alunos e clientes, que o backtesting é uma ferramenta importante mas que deve ser utilizada com todo cuidado, já que estamos simulando o passado, e não o futuro...
Rogerio Figurelli
Seu robô é eficiente ou eficaz? Criar um robô investidor não é uma tarefa fácil, porque a grande maioria das estratégias é eficiente por apenas alguns bons momentos. De acordo com Peter Drucker, "Eficiência é fazer as coisas certas de maneira correta, Eficácia são as coisas certas...
Rogerio Figurelli
Robôs: a melhor ferramenta de planejamento para seus trades Ainda encontramos muita resistência ao uso de robôs no Brasil, o que é um cenário que acredito irá mudar rapidamente. Na verdade já está mudando...
Marcos Kronhardt
Marcos Kronhardt 2014.12.01
também acho, mas acredito que as corretoras ainda devem e tem como obrigação fazer um trabalho mais forte de estimulo ao uso de robôs desmistificando alguns mitos. Mas sim tbm concordo está já mudando além de trazer a famoso volatilidade ao mercado.
Rogerio Figurelli
Rogerio Figurelli 2014.12.01
é verdade Marcos, acredito que estamos nesse caminho
Rogerio Figurelli
Published screenshot
Estudo com o Trajecta - Mini Rob&#244...
WINZ14, M1XP Investimentos CCTVM S/AEstudo com o Trajecta - Mini Robô - Scalper
Outline of MetaTrader Market (Infographics)

MetaTrader Market ( was officially released in February 2012. The store of trading applications has come a long way since then. Initially the Market was introduced in MetaTrader 5. Then, the Market section was also launched for MetaTrader 4. The range of products has been expanded as well, from offering trading applications to provide also financial magazines and books.

The evolution of the Market increased the sales turnover: by July 2014, about 6 300 products worth a total of more than $522,000 have been sold in the Market, while 520 sellers and 24 500 buyers have already passed through the application store. This increase in sales has given rise to the emergence of the significant number of successful developers making $10,000 or more per month. Check the Market infographic below for more interesting statistical data on the Market service results.Outline of MetaTrader Market (Infographics)

MetaTrader Market ( ) was officially released in February 2012. The store of trading applications has come a long way since then. Initially the Market was introduced in MetaTrader 5. Then, the Market section was also launched for MetaTrader 4. The range of products has been expanded as well, from offering trading applications to provide also financial magazines and books.

The evolution of the Market increased the sales turnover: by July 2014, about 6 300 products worth a total of more than $522,000 have been sold in the Market, while 520 sellers and 24 500 buyers have already passed through the application store. This increase in sales has given rise to the emergence of the significant number of successful developers making $10,000 or more per month. Check the Market infographic below for more interesting statistical data on the Market service results.
MetaQuotes Software Is the Sponsor of the Brazilian Trading Championship Campeonato de Traders 1ª Edição
The largest Brazilian broker XP Investimentos  is holding its first trading championship -  Campeonato de Traders 1ª Edição . The event is arranged with the help of  MetaQuotes Software Corp. XP Investimentos has recently started
MetaQuotes Software Is the Sponsor of the Brazilian Trading Championship Campeonato de Traders 1ª Edição