Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
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13+ years
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Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic How can I call a web request function from indicator
Hi, I try cu call WebRequest from an indicator an dont work. I try with wininet (dll call) but the indicator dont work. How can i make to call a webpage from an indicator Thanks. 
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic Error 4024 on WebRequest.
Hi,  Somethimes i recive error 4024 on WebRequest function (Mt4, Build 670, windows 2008 r2 sserver. ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR Internal error   Can sombodey tell me why? 
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic Tree optimization error
Hello I have a strage error name "tree optimiazation error". How can Isolve this error
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic Is it allowed to post a script in Code Base that has a limited valability time?
Is it allowed to post a script in Code Base that has a limited valability time
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic I posted an EA (QB-TradeManager) and it was deleted. What was the reason?
I posted an EA (QB-TradeManager) and it was deleted. What was the reason
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic Standard library problems
I use standard library and when I maximize a windows invisibile object appear
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic ComboBox problem
CComboBox open under other objects. How can i solve this problem
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic Portable option in MetaEditor
Since I set the /portable option in the MetaTrader station link properties , I find it natural to have the option to start it in Portable mode from the MetaEditor's Activate Terminal button. Past years formed the reflex of clicking on Activate
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic Checkgroups can't be modified ??
I want to destroy a checkgroup and reuse it later, but when I re-create it, the old items reappear. I use to destroy: m_ckg1.Destroy(); Delete(m_ckg1). Where am I wrong? Unfortunately there is no way to delete the items first before destroying the
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic Event mechanism flawed
A class based on CAppDialog is used to generate a window; upon pushing a button in this window, it calls another class based on CAppDialog to generate another window. Events that take place on the surface of the second window are not recognized by
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic Stack overflow strange error
I have a strage problem.I call a code from an script and works fine and if i call from am EA i have 'stack overflow' error. What causes this problem? //Later I recive stack overflow error on OrderSend function
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic Strange characters
I using this code string row= "" ;    query= StringConcatenate ( "SELECT id FROM table1" );    length= StringLen (query);    mysql_real_query(mysql2,query,length);    int result = mysql_store_result(mysql2);
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic Remote agents always busy... until failed
Running 64 bit MT5, build 314, on Windows Seven Host MetaTester is 64 bit MT5, build 314, on Windows Server 2008 Datacenter
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic Strage error
Strange code on MQL build 314 This is the code //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic Struct as imput of a function
How can send structures as function imput?It's posible
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic 'Float' problem
I have the line : float   f_val= 0.3 ; I recive the message "truncation of constant value" when i compile the code.The value of f_val is : '0.300000011920929'.Why f_val is truncate? MT5 Build 250 , MQL5 Build 249
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
I have a open position on USDJPY.I run this code: SymbolInfoDouble ( "USDJPY" , SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_VALUE ,sd); SymbolInfoDouble ( "USDJPY" , SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_SIZE ,sd); Why the sd is 0?
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic Debugger questions
Hy, I put 'DebugBreak()' into a function .When i press F5 (Start Debgging) , the debugger don't stop at DebugBreak.Why? When i am intro a function and press StepOut the Debugger stop.Why stops? I put a expresion in expression watch windows.How can
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic FileIsLineEnding problem
I have a .txt file with 2 line I run the code and FileInLineEnding return false every time.I open the file with notepad++ and i see [CR][LF] caracters on the end of first line.It is a bug ? int fh= FileOpen ( "Test.txt" , FILE_READ | FILE_WRITE |
Bogdan Alin Baltatu
Added topic Error on FileSeek
Run this code and look at log. void OnStart()   {    int fh= FileOpen ( "Test.txt" ,FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_TXT);    FileWriteString (fh, "abcdef" , 6 );    Print ( FileTell (fh));    FileSeek (fh,-