Debugger questions



I put 'DebugBreak()' into a function.When i press F5 (Start Debgging) , the debugger don't stop at DebugBreak.Why?

When i am intro a function and press StepOut the Debugger stop.Why stops?

I put a expresion in expression watch windows.How can delete the expession? (i can owerwrite bun not delete)


When the mouse cursor is over a variable or function see the value of variable.

To add function in expression fileld and see value returned by function.

If the expersion is an array ,can see all elements of the array.

dudufx posted  :

I put a expresion in expression watch windows.How can delete the expession? (i can owerwrite bun not delete)

Stay on watched expression pres Delete - it will be deleted.

I put 'DebugBreak()' into a function.When i press F5 (Start Debgging) , the debugger don't stop at DebugBreak.Why?

Provide your code, please.