open live account


Hi every body:

  My name is Mike Fan, I am from China,

It is my first time to come here, I am interested in Foreign exchange and MT4/5,

now I want to create a new true account, but it is difficult in china,

can you tell me how to open a new true account? thank you!

my email:<edited by moderator just PM MikeFan>

Best Regards 



Hi every body:

  My name is Mike Fan, I am from China,

It is my first time to come here, I am interested in Foreign exchange and MT4/5,

now I want to create a new true account, but it is difficult in china,

can you tell me how to open a new true account? thank you!

my email:<edited by moderator just PM MikeFan>

Best Regards 


It' is not good idea to show your email address, just ask to send you a Private Message (PM).

You can start asking in china section or and (click that)

MQL4: 自动交易论坛
MQL4: 自动交易论坛

It' is not good idea to show your email address, just ask to send you a Private Message (PM).

You can start asking in china section or and (click that)


Thank you! Phi.nuts! Have a nice day!


if you dont know how to open a live account, maybe its not a better idea to trade yet, better start reading some books and do some tradings on demo accounts!

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties - Documentation on MQL5

if you dont know how to open a live account, maybe its not a better idea to trade yet, better start reading some books and do some tradings on demo accounts! 

Thanks for your reply,

there are many fake in china,

I realy dont know which company is trustable.


find out the institution that supervises those companies and choose the ones that apper on its list, alternatively chose a broker and an check on its webpage wheter its regulated then double chek on the regulato web an see if they match.


find out the institution that supervises those companies and choose the ones that apper on its list, alternatively chose a broker and an check on its webpage wheter its regulated then double chek on the regulato web an see if they match.


thank you, now I got it.